2024 anniversary dates associated with Music at the University of Edinburgh

Listed here are a number of anniversary years ending in 4 and 9, which are closely associated with the history of Music at the University of Edinburgh and the Reid Concerts.  

I have listed here 18 significant events, by no means a comprehensive list but I thought it was an interesting selection that was worthy of mention.  
From 1839 to 2012, ten men served as [Reid] Professors of Music and two of them feature in this anniversary list.

2024 is also the 302nd anniversary of the birth of General John Reid.

2024 anniversaries

165th  Opening of the Music Classroom (now the Reid Concert Hall) in 1859.  Foundation stone was laid on 13 February 1858.
  2.  130
th  Department of Music in the University of Edinburgh awarded Faculty status in 1894.
  3.  100th  Professor Frederick Niecks, sixth Reid Professor, died Edinburgh, 1924.
  100th  Walter Parratt, died 1924, close friend of Professor Donald Francis Tovey and organist at St George's Chapel Windsor.
 5.  100th  Peter Wallfisch, died 1924, pianist and close friend of Reid Professor Kenneth Leighton.
.    95th  Professor Kenneth Leighton, ninth Reid Professor, died Edinburgh, 1989.
.    90th  Henri Verbrugghen, violinist and regular performer in Reid chamber concerts (1901-1915) died 1934.
.    90th  Gustav Holst, died 1934, guest conductor Reid Orchestra in 1926. 
.    90th  Adolph and Fritz Busch were each awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Music by the University of Edinburgh, December 1934.
.    80th  Ethel Smyth, died 1944, composer and guest conductor of the Reid Orchestra in 1928, 1929 and 1930.
.    80th  Sir Henry Wood, died 1944, founder of the Promenade Concerts in London and guest conductor of the Reid Orchestra in 1944.
12.    35th  Kenneth Leighton Memorial Concert, 30 April 1989.  
13.    35th  Iannis Xenakis attends a special concert of his music at the University of Edinburgh following his award of an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Music, November 1989. 
14.    30th  Faculty of Music Centenary Weekend, concert and celebrations, February 1994.       
15.    30th  Joan Dickson, died 1994, cellist and member of the Edinburgh Quartet in the 1950s. 
16.    15th  Edward Harper, died 2009, composer, conductor and member of the Faculty of Music from 1964 to 2009.   
15th  Sypert Summer Concerts at St Cecilia's Hall, introduced, 2009.
18.    10th  Inaugural recital on the newly restored McEwan Hall organ, October 2014.


The 2024 Annual Reid Concert will be given on Tuesday 13 February 2024.

Further information about many of the individuals and works mentioned here can be found on the Reid Concerts Database.