Listed here are a number of anniversary years ending in 4 and 9, which are closely associated with the history of Music at the University of Edinburgh and the Reid Concerts.
Listed here are a number of anniversary years ending in 3 and 8, which are closely associated with the history of Music at the University of Edinburgh and the Reid Concerts. <
Listed here are a number of anniversary years ending in 2 and 7, which are closely associated with the history of Music at the University of Edinburgh and the Reid Concerts.
I have listed here 14 significant events, by no means a comprehensive list but I thought it was an interesting selection that was worthy of mention.
From 1839 to 2012, ten men served as [Reid] Professors of Music and four of them feature in this anniversary list.
2021/22 is also the 300th anniversary of the birth of General John Reid.
2021/22 is the 300th anniversary of the birth of General John Reid.
The Reid concerts were established as a consequence of a legacy from General John Reid that came to the College of Edinburgh in 1838. Reid was a distinguished military man, keen flautist and composer born in 1721 or 22 who died in London in 1807, leaving a will dated the ‘19th day of April 1803’ and a codicil dated ‘4th day of March 1806’. His codicil stated:
Listed here are a number of anniversary years ending in 01, which are closely associated with the history of Music at the University of Edinburgh and the Reid Concerts.
I have listed here 20 significant events, by no means a comprehensive list but I thought it was an interesting selection that was worthy of mention.
From 1839 to 2012, ten men served as [Reid] Professors of Music and five of them feature in this anniversary list.
2021/22 is also the 300th anniversary of the birth of General John Reid.
A native orchestra – for the instruction and development of
native talent – as a means for the practical study of music in
the University of Edinburgh – for the establishment of
regular concerts of the best music at popular prices in Edinburgh
Three years ago on St Cecilia’s Day, November 22, 2013, the Reid Concerts online Database went ‘live’.
The Reid Concerts Database was set up in May 2013 as an online resource to record the history of the Reid Concerts at the University of Edinburgh and to support my PhD research into the development and evolution of the concerts.
(Further information about the project is given in the 2nd anniversary blog).