[Reid] Professors of Music

Between 1839 and 2012 there were only ten [Reid] Professors of the Theory of Music at the University of Edinburgh. Professor Frederick Niecks was the first to be given the title 'Reid Professor of Music' when the Department of Music, in the Faculty of Arts, was awarded Faculty status in 1893-94. Through their personal interpretations of the wishes of their benefactor, General John Reid, the Professors developed one annual commemoration concert in the early years into an annual series of concerts of various styles ranging from historical and orchestral to chamber and electro-acoustic alongside a selection of organ recitals, across a range of Edinburgh venues. This page shows the dates and the periods of time the [Reid] Professors were in office and further information about each individual incumbent. The concerts listed on the pages of the individual professors are those under the guidance of or featuring as a performer, the named [Reid] Professor. Where there is a gap, as in 1845, in 1941 and from 2012 there was no [Reid] Professor of Music in post on the day of the annual February concert.