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Concerts in the University of Edinburgh from 1841
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[Reid] Professors of Music
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City of Edinburgh (to 1911)
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Abel, Karl Friedrich, 1723-1787
Abrahamsen, Hans, 1952-
Adam, Adolphe-Charles, 1803-1856
Adamia, Marina, 1959-
Adams, John, 1947-
Adson, John, c.1585-1640
Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastian, 1561-1627
Ainslie, Ross, 1983-
Aitken, C. W., 1857-1939
Aitken, Seonaid
Akiho, Andy 1979-
Alain, Jehan-Ariste, 1911-1940
Alberga, Eleanor, 1949-
Albert, Eugen d’, 1864-1932
Albéniz, Isaac, 1860-1909
Albinoni, Tomaso, 1671-1750
Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg 1736-1809
Alcock, Walter Galpin, 1861-1947
Aldrich, Henry, 1647-1710
Alessandrini, Patricia, 1970-
Alkan, Charles-Valentin, 1813-1888
Allen, George B. (George Benjamin), 1822-1897
Allison, Richard, c.1565-c.1610
Alvarez, Javier, 1956-2023
Alwyn, William, 1905-1985
Amiens, Guillaume d', active late 13th century
Anderson, Avril 1953-
Andriessen, Hendrik, 1892-1981
Anerio, Giovanni Francesco, c.1567-1630
Ang, Kathryn, 1959-
Angelis, Franck, 1962-
Anglebert, J. Henry d' (Jean Henry), 1629-1691
Ansell, John, 1874-1948
Anson, Hugo, 1894-1958
Antheil, George, 1900-1959
Aquinas, Saint Thomas, c. 1225-1274
Arban, Jean-Baptiste, 1825-1889
Arcadelt, Jacob, c. 1505-1568
Argento, Dominick, 1927-2019
Arlen, Harold, 1905-1986
Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1778
Arnold, Malcolm, 1921-2006
Arnstein, Peter
Arras, Moniot d', active 1225
Arriaga, Juan Crisóstomo de, 1806-1826
Arrieu, Claude, 1903-1990
Arutiunian, Alexander 1920-2012
Ashfield, Robert, 1911-2006
Asma, Feike, 1912-1984
Astorga, Emanuele, barone d’, 1680-1736
Atkinson, Geoffrey 1943-
Atkinson, Simon, 1969-
Attaingnant, Pierre, active 1528-1549
Attwood, Thomas, 1765-1838
Auber, D.F.E. (Daniel François Esprit), 1782-1871
Austin, Frederic, 1872-1952
Avison, Charles, 1709-1770
Ayres, Paul, 1970-
Azguime, Miguel, 1960-
Babbitt, Milton, 1916-2011
Bacewicz, Grazyna, 1909-1969
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1714-1788
Bach, Erik, 1946-
Bach, Johann Bernhard, 1676-1649
Bach, Johann Christian 1735-1782
Bach, Johann Christoph 1642-1703
Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich, 1732-1795
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
Bach, P. D. Q., 1742-1807
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, 1710-1784
Bache, F. E. (Francis Edward), 1833-1858
Backofen, Johann Georg Heinrich, 1768-1839
Baermann, Carl, 1810-1885
Bainbridge, Simon, 1952-2021
Bairstow, Edward C. (Edward Cuthbert), 1874-1946
Baker, David, 1931-2016
Baker, Richard, 1972-
Balakirev, Miliĭ Alekseevich, 1837-1910
Balfe, Michael William 1808-1870
Balkanski, Rosen, 1968-
Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx, -1587
Bantock, Granville, Sir, 1868-1946
Barbara - (pseudonym of Monique Andrée Serf), 1930-1997
Barber, Samuel, 1910-1981
Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo, 1823-1894
Barbireau, Jacques c.1455-1491
Barié, Augustin 1883-1915
Barlow, Clarence, 1945-2023
Barns, Ethel, 1873-1948
Barre, Michel de la, 1670-1743
Barrett, Natasha, 1972-
Barrett, Richard, 1959-
Barrett-Ayres, Reginald, 1920-1981
Barrière, Jean-Baptiste, 1958-
Barrios Mangoré, Agustín, 1885-1944
Barsanti, Francesco, 1690-1772
Barthélémon, François Hippolyte, 1741-1808
Bartók, Béla, 1881-1945
Bassano, Giovanni, active 1585-1617
Batiste, Édouard, 1820-1876
Bauer, Edoardo, 1816-1878
Bax, Arnold, 1883-1953
Bayne, Alexander, 1685-1737
Bazzini, Antonio, 1818-1897
Beach, H. H. A., Mrs., 1867-1944
Beamish, Sally, 1956-
Beat, Janet, 1937-
Becker, Albert, 1834-1899
Bédard, Denis, 1950-
Bedford, David, 1937-2011
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
Behrens, David, 1998-
Bela Kovács, 1937-2021
Bell, Christopher, 1961-
Bella, Rudolf, 1890-1973
Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835
Bellon, Jean-François Victor, 1795-1869
Benda, Georg, 1722-1795
Bendial, Bernard
Benedict, Julius, 1804-1885
Benjamin, Arthur, 1893-1960
Bennet, John, c.1575-1614
Bennett, Richard Rodney, 1936-2012
Bennett, William Sterndale, 1816-1875
Berg, Alban, 1885-1935
Berg, George, c.1730-1775
Berger, Ludwig, 1777-1839
Berio, Luciano, 1925-2003
Berkeley, Lennox, 1903-1989
Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869
Bernard, Emile 1843-1902
Bernier, Nicolas, 1665-1734
Bernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990
Bertoli, Giovanni Antonio, active 1639-1645
Bertolina, Lucien, 1946-
Berwald, Franz, 1796-1868
Besly, Maurice, 1888-1945
Best, William Thomas, 1826-1897)
Bevan Baker, John, 1926-1994
Bevin, Elway, c.1554-1638
Bialas, Günter, 1907-1995
Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz, 1644-1704
Binchois, G. (Gilles), approximately 1400-1460
Bingham, Judith, 1952-
Bingham, Seth, 1882-1972
Birtwistle, Harrison, 1934-2022
Bishop, Sir Henry R. (Henry Rowley), 1786-1855
Bizet, Georges, 1838-1875
Black, John, c.1520-1587
Blackhall, Andrew, 1535 or 1536-1609
Blair, Andrew, 1995-
Blair, Hugh, 1864-1932
Blaquière, Richard, 1998-
Bliss, Arthur, 1891-1975
Bloch, Ernest, 1880-1959
Blow, John, c.1649-1708
Blumenthal, Jacques (Jacob), 1829-1908
Boccherini, Luigi, 1743-1805
Bocchi, Lorenzo fl. 1720s
Bochmann Christopher, 1950-
Bochsa, Robert Nicolas Charles, 1789-1856
Body, Jack, 1944-2015
Boëllmann, Léon, 1862-1897
Boëly, Alexandre-Pierre-François, 1785-1858
Bogdanović, Dušan, 1955-
Böhm, Georg 1661-1733
Böhme, Oskar, 1870-1938
Bois, Rob du, 1934-2013
Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de, 1689-1755
Bonaventure, Michael, 1962-
Bonelli, Aurelio, 1569-after 1620
Bonnel, Joseph-Ermand, 1880-1944
Bonnet, Joseph, 1884-1944
Bonnet, Pierre, active 1585-1600
Bononcini, Giovanni, 1670-1747
Borlet, fl 1380-1410
Bornefeld, Helmut, 1906-1990
Borodin, Aleksandr Porfirʹevich, 1833-1887
Bortni︠a︡nskiĭ, Dmitriĭ Stepanovich, 1751-1825
Bossi, Marco Enrico, 1861-1925
Bottesini, Giovanni Battista, 1821-1889
Boulez, Pierre, 1925-2016
Bourgeois, Derek, 1941-2017
Bournonville, Jean de, c.1585-1632
Bovet, Guy 1942-
Bovicelli, Giovanni Battista, fl.1592-1594
Bowater, Helen, 1952-
Boyce, William, 1711-1779
Boyd, Anne, 1946-
Boyle, Rory, 1951-
Boyvin, Jacques c.1649-1706
Bozza, Eugène, 1905-1991
Böddecker, Philipp Friedrich, 1607?-1683
Brade, William, 1560-1630
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897
Braun, Jean Daniel, fl. 1728-1740.
Braysher, Sam, 1989-
Brayssing, Grégoire, active 1547-1560
Bremner, Robert (pub.) c1713-1789
Bresgen, Cesar, 1913-1988
Brewer, A. Herbert, 1865-1928
Brian, Havergal, 1876-1972
Bridge, Frank 1879-1941
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976
Brixi, Frantisek Xaver, 1732-1771
Brockless, Brian, 1926-1995
Broschi, Riccardo, 1698-1756
Brosig, Moritz, 1815-1887
Brouwer, Leo, 1939-
Brown, Jason Robert, 1970-
Brubeck, Dave, 1920-2012
Bruch, Max, 1838-1920
Brucken Fock, Gerard von, 1859-1935
Bruckner, Anton, 1824-1896
Bruhns, Nicolaus 1665-1697
Bruna, Pablo 1611-1679
Brunckhorst, Arnold Matthias, 1670-1725
Bryson, Ernest, 1867-1942
Bræin, Edvard Fliflet, 1924-1976
Buchner, Philipp Friedrich, 1614-1669
Buck, Dudley, 1839-1909
Bull, John, 1562 or 1563-1628
Buller, John, 1927-2004
Bunk, Gerard, 1888-1958
Bürck, Rainer, 1953-
Burgmüller, Norbert, 1810-1836
Burney, Charles, 1726-1814
Burns, Ian, 1932-1995
Burns, Robert 1759-1796
Burton, Eldin, 1913-1979
Burton, Katrina, 1977-
Busch, Adolf, 1891-1952
Busch, Richard 1947-
Bush, Kate, 1958-
Busnois, Antoine c.1430-1492
Busoni, Ferruccio, 1866-1924
Bussey, Martin 1958-
Bussotti, Sylvano, 1931-2021
Butler, Thomas, 1983-
Butterworth, George, 1885-1916
Buttstett, Johann Heinrich, 1666-1727
Butusova, Elena 1959-
Buxtehude, Dieterich, 1637-1707
Byrd, William, 1539 or 1540-1623
Byttering, active 1410
Cabanilles, Juan, 1644-1712
Cabézon, Antonio de, 1510-1566
Cabezón, Hernando de, 1541-1602
Caccini, Giulio, 1545-1618
Cage, John, 1912-1992
Caix d'Hervelois, Louis de, c.1670-c.1760
Caldara, Antonio, 1670-1736
Callado, Joachim Antônio da Silva 1848-1880
Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821
Callcott, William H. (William Hutchins), 1807-1882
Camidge, Matthew 1764-1844
Camilleri, Charles, 1931-2009
Campana, Fabio 1819-1882
Campbell, Sidney, S. 1909-1974
Campion, Thomas, 1567-1620
Canteloube (de Malaret), Marie-Joseph, 1879-1957
Caplet, André, 1878-1925
Caponnetto, Alfredo, 1978-
Cappelli, Gilberto, 1952-
Capuzzi, Giuseppe Antonio, 1755-1818
Cardoso, Manuel, 1566-1650
Carey, Clive, 1883-1968
Carey, Henry, 1689?-1743
Carissimi, Giacomo, 1605-1674
Carleton, Nicholas, c.1573-1630
Carmen, Johannes, active 1400-1420
Carmichael, Hoagy, 1989-1981
Caro, Julio de, 1899-1980
Carolan, Turlough, 1670-1738
Caroso da Sermoneta, Fabritio, 1527–1605/1620
Carter, Elliott, 1908-2012
Cartier, Nathaniel, 1999-
Cartwright, Philip
Carulli, Ferdinando, 1770-1841
Carvel, Andrew, 1989-
Cascia, Giovanni da, active mid-14th century
Casken, John, 1949-
Cassadó, Gaspar, 1897-1966
Castello, Dario, active 1621-1644
Catalani, Ottavio, c.1580-1644)
Cavalli, Pier Francesco, 1602-1676
Cavazzoni, Girolamo, c.1525-post 1577
Cavazzoni, Marco Antonio, c.1490-c.1560
Cave, Sam, 1987-
Certon, Pierre, c.1515-1572
Cesare, Giovanni Martino, c.1590-1667
Cesti, Antonio, 1623-1669
Chabrier, Emmanuel, 1841-1894
Chagrin, Francis, 1905-1972
Challan, René, 1910-1978
Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de, 1602-1672
Chaminade, Cécile, 1857-1944
Chapman, Edward T, 1902-1981
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine, 1643-1704
Chatterton, Frederick, 1814-1894
Chausson, Ernest, 1855-1899
Cherubini, Luigi, 1760-1842
Chilcott, Robert (Bob), 1955-
Child, William, 1606?-1697
Chin, Unsuk, 1961-
Chisholm, Erik, 1904-1965
Chopin, Frédéric, 1810-1849
Cima, Giovanni Paolo, c1570-1622
Cimarosa, Domenico, 1749-1801
Claiborne-Dixon, Harriett, 1880-1930
Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria, 1677-1754
Clarke, Ian, 1964-
Clarke, James, 1957-
Clarke, Jeremiah, 1669?-1707
Clarke, Rebecca, 1886-1979
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, c.1510- c.1555
Clementi, Muzio, 1752-1832
Clerisse, Robert, 1899-1973
Clerk (of Penicuik), (Sir) John, 1676-1755
Clérambault, Louis-Nicolas, 1676-1749
Clifton, Arthur 1784-1832
Clokey, Joseph W. (Joseph Waddell), 1890-1960
Coates, Leon, 1937-2023
Cocchi, Gioacchino, c.1720-1788
Cocker, Norman, 1889-1953
Coeck, Armand, 1941-
Coelho, Manuel Rodrigues, (c.1555-1635)
Coleman, Valerie, 1970-
Coleridge-Taylor, Avril, 1903-1998
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel, 1875-1912
Coles, Cecil, 1888-1918
Colonna, Fabio
Compère, Loyset, c.1445-1515
Conversi, Girolamo, active 1571-1575
Cook, John, 1918-1984
Cooke, Arnold, 1906-2005
Cooke, Benjamin, 1734-1793
Cooke, T. (Thomas), 1782-1848
Cooper, John (changed his name to Coperario)
Cope, Brian, 1968-
Coperario, Giovanni (John), c.1570 - 1626
Copland, Aaron, 1900-1990
Coral, Leonardo, 1962-
Corbetta, Francesco, c.1615-1681
Cordell, Frank, 1918-1980
Cordier, Baude, active 15th century
Corea, Chick, 1941-2021
Corelli, Arcangelo, 1653-1713
Corigliano, John, 1938-
Cornelius, Peter, 1824-1874
Corner, David Gregor, c. 1585-1648
Cornet, Pieter, 1570/80-1633
Cornysh, William, 1465-1523
Correa de Arauxo, Francisco, 1584-1654
Corrette, Michel, 1707-1795
Corri, Domenico, 1746-1825
Costa, Michael 1808-1884
Costeley, Guillaume, 1530?-1606
Cosyn, Benjamin, c.1570-c.1652
Couperin, Armand-Louis, 1727-1789
Couperin, François, 1668-1733
Couperin, Gervase-François 1759-1826
Couperin, Louis, c.1626-1661
Courtney, Neil, 1932-2015
Cowell, Henry, 1897-1965
Cowen, Frederic H. (Frederic Hymen), 1852-1935
Cowie, Edward, 1943-
Cowie, William, 1954-
Cox, Neil, 1955-
Crabtree, Paul, 1960-
Crackel, Harvey 1876-1951
Craig-McFeely, Julia, 1962-
Cramer, Henri, 1818-1877
Crane, Laurence 1961-
Crawford, Robert, 1925-2011
Crayford, Jonathan, 1964-
Cresswell, Lyell, 1944-2022
Croce, Giovanni, c.1557-1609
Croft, John, 1971-
Croft, William, 1678-1727
Crosse, Gordon, 1937-2021
Crotch, William, 1775-1847
Cruft, Adrian, 1921-1987
Crumb, George, 1929-2022
Cui, César, 1835-1918
Cull, Jeremy, 1970-2017
Cundick, Robert, 1926-2016
Cunningham, Tom, 1946-2023
Curschmann, Fr. (Friedrich), 1805-1841
Čiurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas, 1875-1911
d'Rivera, Paquito, 1948-
Dalayrac, N. (Nicolas), 1753-1809
Dalby, Martin, 1942-2018
Dallapiccola, Luigi, 1904-1975
Dallier, Henri, 1894-1934
Dalton, Mattis Appelqvist, 1996-
Dalza, Joan Ambrosio, 1475-1508
Damase, Jean-Michel, 1928-2013
Dancia, Charles, 1817-1907
Dandrieu, Jean-François, 1681-1738
Daquin, Louis-Claude, 1694-1772
Dare, Marie 1902-1976
Darke, Harold, 1888-1976
Dashow, James, 1944-
Dauber, Robert, 1922-1945
Dauvergne, Antoine, 1713-1797
David, Ferdinand, 1810-1873
David, Félicien, 1810-1876
David, Johann Nepomuk, 1895-1977
Davidovsky, Mario, 1934-2019
Davie, Cedric Thorpe, 1913-1983 (see Thorpe Davie)
Davies, H. Walford, 1869-1941
Davies, Hugh, 1943-2005
Davies, Peter Maxwell, 1934-2016
Davies, Tansy, 1973-
Davismoon, Stephen, 1964-
de Beradinis, John
de Castro-Robinson, Eve, 1956-
de Consey (see Maurice-Pierre Gourrier)
de Falla, Manuel, 1876-1946
de Grigny, Nicolas, 1672-1703
de Groot, Cor 1914-1993
De Machy, Le Sieur, fl. second half of 17th century
de Macque, Giovanni, c.1549-1614
de Milano, Francesco, 1487-1543
de Paul, Gene (1919-1988)
de Sainte-Colombe, Jean, c.1640-1700
de Saram, Rohan, 1939-
Debons, Eddy, 1968-
Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918
Delibes, Léo, 1836-1891
Delius, Frederick, 1862-1934
Dell'Aqua, Eva, 1856-1930
Della Torre, Paul 1864-1932
Dello Joio, Norman 1913-2008
Demantius, Christoph, 1567-1643
Demessieux, Jeanne, 1921-1968
Dempster, Kenneth, 1962-
Demuth, Norman, 1898-1968
Deppert, Julia, 1970-
Dering, Richard, c. 1580-1630
Desmond, Paul, 1924-1977
Desportes, Yvonne, 1907-1993
Devienne, François, 1759-1803
Dhomont, Francis, 1926-2023
Dibdin, Charles, 1745-1814
Dienel, Otto, 1839-1905
Dietrich, Albert, 1829-1908
Dieupart, Charles, c.1670-c.1740
Distler, Hugo, 1908-1942
Dittersdorf, Karl Ditters von, 1739-1799
Dizi, François-Joseph, 1780-1840
Dobrowolski, Andrzej, 1921-1990
Dodd, Raymond
Dodgson, Stephen, 1924-2013
Doherty, Douglas, 1956-
Dohnányi, Ernő, 1877-1960
Dollé , Charles, 1710-1755
Dolmetsch, Arnold, 1858-1940
Donaldson, John 1788-1865
Donaldson, Walter, 1893-1947
Donato, Baldassare, c.1525-1603
Donatoni, Franco, 1927-2000
Donizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848
Dorham, Kenny, 1924-1972
Dornel, Louis-Antoine, approximately c.1685-1765
Dorward, David, 1933-2020
Dotzauer, J. J. F. (Justus Johann Friedrich), 1783-1860
Douglas, James, 1932-2022
Douglas, John, 1963-
Dow, Robert, 1964-
Dowdell, Linda, 1953-
Dowland, John, 1563?-1626
Draghi, Giovanni Battista, c. 1640-1708
Drayton, Paul, 1944-
Dring, Madeline, 1923-1977
Druckman, Jacob, 1928-1996
Drummond, Luke, 1985-
Du Caurroy, Eustache, 1549-1609
Du Mage, Pierre, 1674-1751
Du Mont, Henry, 1610-1684
Du Phly, Jacques, 1715-1789
Duarte, John, 1919-2004
Dubois, Pierre-Max, 1930-1995
Dubois, Théodore, 1837-1924
Dufay, Guillaume, 1397-1474
Duggan, Kevin, 1959-
Duggan, Peter
Dukas, Paul, 1865-1935
Duke, John 1899-1984
Dunhill, Thomas F. (Thomas Frederick), 1877-1946
Dunlop, Isobel , 1901-1975
Dunn, Colin, 1974-
Dunstable, John, c. 1390-1453
Duparc, Henri, 1848-1933
Duphly, Jacques, 1715-1789 (see Du Phly)
Dupré, Marcel 1886-1971
Durant, Yati, 1974-
Durante, Francesco, 1684-1755
Durón, Sebastían 1660-1716
Duruflé, Maurice,1902-1986
Dussek, Johann Ladislaus, 1760-1812
Dutilleux, Henri, 1916-2013
Duvernoy, Frédéric Nicolas, 1765-1838
Dvořák, Antonín, 1841-1904
Dykstra, Brian, 1942-
Dyson, George, 1883-1964
East, Michael, c.1580-1648
Eben, Petr 1929-2007
Edwardes, Richard, 1523-1566
Edwards, Alastair
Edwards, Michael, 1968-
Egge, Klaus, 1906-1979
Egk, Werner, 1901-1983
Einaudi, Ludovico, 1955-
Eisler, Hanns, 1898-1962
Ekanayaka, Tanya, 1977-
Ekeus, Henrik
Elgar, Edward, 1857-1934
Ellington, Duke, 1989-1974
Emery, Wilfred J., 1904-1964
Emmerson, Simon, 1950-
Emsley, Richard, 1951-
Enesco, Georges, 1881-1955
Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich, 1657-1714
Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm, 1814-1865
Ernst, Johann, Prince of Saxe-Weimar, 1696-1715
Erskine, Thomas Alexander, 6th Earl of Kelly, 1732-1781
Ewald, Victor, 1860-1935
Exaudet, André Joseph, c.1710-1762
Eybler, Joseph Leopold, 1765-1846
Falckenhagen, Adam, 1697-1761
Falconieri, Andrea, 1585-1656
Farkas, Ferenc, 1905-2000
Farmer, Donald, 1962-
Farmer, John, 1570-1601
Farnaby, Giles, c.1565-1640
Farr, Gareth, 1968-
Farrant, Richard, c.1525-1580
Farrington, Iain, 1977-
Fauconnier, Benoît Constant, 1816-1877
Faulkes, William, 1863-1933
Fauré, Gabriel, 1845-1924
Feld, Jindřich, 1925-2007
Fellay, Christophe, 1966-
Ferace, Michelangelo
Ferguson, Howard, 1908-1999
Fernandez-Barrero, Marcos, 1984-
Ferneyhough, Brian, 1943-
Ferries, Gordon
Ferro, Marc Antonio, -1662
Festa, Costanzo, 1490-1545
Festing, Michael Christian, 1705-1752
Feuchtwanger, Peter, 1930-2016
Févin, Antoine de, c. 1470-1512
Field, John, 1782-1837
Fielden, Thomas P. 1883-1974
Fielitz, Alexander von, 1860-1930
Filtz, Johann Anton, 1733-1760
Finger, Godfrey, c.1660-1730
Fink, Siegfried 1928-2006
Finnegan, Brian, 1969-
Finnissy, Michael, 1946-
Finzi, Gerald, 1901-1956
Fiocco, Joseph-Hector, 1703-1741
Fischer, Carl August, 1828-1892
Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand, 1656-1746
Fišer, Loboš, 1935-1999
Fitkin, Graham, 1963-
Flagler, Isaac Van Vieck 1948-
Flaig, Olly, 2000-
Fliess, Bernhard, c.1770-
Florentia, Johannes de, active 1340-1350
Flotow, Friedrich von, 1812-1883
Fontaine, Pierre, c.1380-c.1450)
Fontana, Giovanni Battista, c.1571-c.1631
Foote, Arthur, 1853-1937
Forbes, Lewis, 1987-
Forbes, Sebastian, 1941-
Ford, Thomas, 1580-1648
Forqueray le père, Antoine, c.1672-1745
Förster, Emanuel Aloys, 1728-1843
Foster, Ben, 1977-
Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864
Foulds, John, 1880-1939
Fox, Christopher, 1955-
Françaix (Français), Jean 1912-1997
Franck, César, 1822-1890
Franck, Michael, 1609-1677
Francoeur, François, 1698-1787
Frankel, Benjamin, 1906-1973
Franz, Robert, 1815-1892
Fraser, Bruce, 1947-2017
Fraser, Norman, 1904-1986
Freed, Isadore, 1900-1960
Freed, Rob, 1982-
Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 1583-1643
Frey, Jürg, 1953-
Fricker, Peter Racine, 1920-1990
Friskin, James, 1886-1967
Froberger, Johann Jakob 1616-1667
Fux, Johann Joseph, 1660-1741
Gabrieli, Andrea, c.1532-1585
Gabrieli, Giovanni, c.1557-1612
Gabrielli, Domenico, 1651-1690
Gade, Niels W. (Niels Wilhelm), 1817-1890
Gál, Hans, 1890-1987
Galliard, John Ernest, c.1680-1749
Gallon, Noël, 1891-1966
Gallus, Jacob Handl, 1550-1591 (see Handl)
Galuppi, Baldassare, 1706-1785
Gandino, Adolfo, 1878-1940
Garat, Pierre, 1762-1823
García, Carlos Vesperinas
Gardiner, H. Balfour (Henry Balfour), 1877-1950
Gardner, John, 1917-2011
Garreta, Juli, 1875-1925
Garrett, Kenny, b. 1960
Gastoldi, Giovanni c.1550-1622
Gaubert, Philippe, 1879-1941
Gaultier, Denis c.1603 -1672
Gaviniès, Pierre, 1728-1800
Geddes, John Maxwell, 1941-2017
Gehlhaar, Rolf, 1943-2019
Geikie, James Stewart, 1811-1883
Geminiani, Francesco, 1687-1762
Gerhard, Roberto, 1896-1970
Gerle Hans, c. 1500-1570
German, Edward, 1862-1936
Gershwin, George, 1898-1937
Gervaise, Claude, c.1525-1560
Gesualdo, Carlo, principe di Venosa, 1566-1613
Ghedini, Giorgio Federico, 1892-1965
Gherardello, da Firenze, -1362 or 1363
Gheyn, Matthias van den, 1721-1785
Ghizeghem, Hayne van, approximately 1445-
Gibbons, Orlando, 1583-1625
Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong, 1889-1960
Gigout, Eugène 1844-1925
Ginastera, Alberto, 1916-1983
Giovanelli, Ruggiero, c.1560-1625
Gismonti, Egberto, 1947-
Giuliani, Mauro, 1781-1829
Glass, Philip 1937-
Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich, 1865-1936
Glentworth, Mark, 1960-
Gliere, Reinhold, 1875-1956
Glinka, M.I. (Mikhail Ivanovich), 1804-1857
Glinkowski, Aleksander, 1941-1991
Globokar, Vinko, 1934-
Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Ritter von, 1714-1787
Gnattali, Radamés, 1906-1988
Goehr, Alexander, 1932-2024
Goetz, Hermann, 1840-1876
Goldmark, Carl, 1830-1915
Gombert, Nicolas, c.1490-c.1556
Goodall, Howard, 1958-
Goodman, Benny, 1909-1986
Goossens, Eugene, 1893-1962
Gordon, Dexter, 1923-1990
Gordon, Michael Zev, 1963-
Gorenstein, Nicolas (contrib.)
Gorzanis, Giacomo de, c.1520-c.1579
Goss, John, 1800-1880
Gossec, François Joseph, 1734-1829
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau, 1829-1869
Gotz, Johann, active 15th century
Gough, Christopher, 1981-
Gould, Carol, 1965-
Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893
Gourrier, Maurice-Pierre (aka Chevalier de Cronsey)
Gouvy, Th. (Théodore), 1819-1898
Gow, David, 1924-1993
Gow, Niel, junr., 1795-1823
Gow, Phamie, 1980-
Górecki, Henryk Mikołaj, 1933-2010
Grainger, Percy, 1882-1961
Granados, Enrique, 1867-1916
Grandi, Alessandro, c.1577-1630
Grandjany, Marcel
Graun, Karl Heinrich, 1704-1759
Grechaninov, Aleksandr Tikhonovich, 1864-1956
Green, Owen
Greene, Maurice, 1696-1755
Grenon, Nicolas, c. 1380-1456
Grétry, André Ernest Modeste, 1741-1813
Grey, Geoffrey, 1934-2023
Grieg, Edvard, 1843-1907
Griffes, Charles T. 1884-1920
Grime, Helen, 1981-
Grobe, Charles, 1817-1879
Groth, Federico Ibarra (see Ibarra, Federico)
Grovlez, Gabriel, 1879-1944
Grundy, John, 1952-
Grüner-Hegge, Odd, 1899-1973
Guami, Gioseffo, c.1540-1611
Guastavino, Carlos, 1912-2000
Guerrero, Francisco, c.1523-1599
Guilain, Jean-Adam 1680-1739
Guillou, Jean, 1930-2019
Guilmant, Alexandre, 1837-1911
Gulbins, Max 1862-1932
Gung’l, Josef, 1810-1889
Guridi, Jesús, 1886-1961
Gurney, Ivor, 1890-1937
Gussago, Cesario, fl.1599-1612
Guy, Barry, 1947-
Gwilt, David, 1932-
Haavisto, Varpu
Hadley, Patrick, 1899-1973
Hageman, Richard, 1881-1966
Hagen, Joachim Bernhard, 1720-1787
Hagen, Toon, 1959-
Hahn, Reynaldo, 1874-1947
Hakim, Naji, 1955-
Halévy, F., 1799-1862
Hallam, Norman 1945-
Hallgrimsson, Haflidi, 1941-
Halvorsen, Johan, 1864-1935
Hamasyan, Tigran, 1987-
Hamilton, Iain, 1922-2000
Hammer, Xaver, 1741-1817
Hammond, Drew, 1974-
Hampton, Calvin, 1938-1984
Hand, Frederic, 1947-
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Handl, Jacob, 1550-1591
Hanff, Johann Nicolaus, 1665-1711
Harker, Alexander, 1983-
Harper, Edmund B. - 1869
Harper, Edward, 1941-2009
Harris, Ross, 1945-
Harris, Roy, 1898-1979
Harris, William Henry, 1883-1973
Harrison, Jonty, 1952-
Harrison, Julius Allan Greenway, 1885-1963
Harrold, Tom, 1991-
Hartenberger, Russell, 1943-
Harty, Hamilton, 1879-1941
Harvey, Jonathan, 1939-2012
Harwood, Basil, 1859-1949
Haselböck, Martin, 1954-
Hasse, Johann Adolf, 1699-1783
Hassler, Hans Leo 1564-1612
Hatton, John Liptrot 1808-1886
Hauer, Josef Matthias, 1883-1959
Hauptmann, Moritz, 1792-1868
Hawes, Maria B., 1816-1886
Hay, Norman, 1889-1943
Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809
Hayes, Malcolm, 1951-
Haynes, Battison, 1859-1900
Head, Michael, 1900-1976
Headington, Christopher, 1930-1996
Healey, Derek, 1936-
Hearn, Graham, 1942-
Hearne, John, 1937-
Heberle, Anton, fl.1806-1816
Heckel, Wolff c.1515 - c.1562
Hefti, Neal, 1922-2008
Heiden, Bernhard, 1910-2000
Heiller, Anton, 1923-1979
Heinichen, Johann David, 1683-1729
Heiniger, Wolfgang, 1963-
Held, Wilbur, 1914-2015
Heller, Stephen, 1813-1888
Hely-Hutchinson, Victor, 1901-1947
Henderson, Joe, 1937-2001
Henschel, George, 1850-1934
Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn, 1805-1847
Henselt, Adolf von, 1814-1889
Henson-Conant, Deborah, 1953-
Henze, Hans Werner, 1926-2012
Hérold, Ferdinand, 1791-1833
Herzogenber, Heinrich von, 1843-1900
Hesketh, Kenneth, 1968-
Hewitt, James, 1770-1827
Hielscher, Hans Uwe, 1945-
Higgins, David 1938-2006
Hildén, Erland, 1963-
Hiller, Ferdinand, 1811-1885
Hiller, Johann Adam, 1728-1804
Hiller, Lejaren Arthur, 1924-1994
Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich, 1765-1814
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963
Hirose, Ryohei, 1930-2008
Hobbs, J. W. (John William), 1799-1877
Hoddinott, Alun, 1929-2008
Hoffman, Richard, 1831-1909
Hofhaimer, Paul 1459-1537
Hofmann, Heinrich, 1842-1902
Holborne, Anthony, c.1550-1602
Holbrooke, Joseph, 1878-1958
Hollanders, Herman c.1595-1640
Höller, Karl 1907-1987
Hollins, Alfred, 1865-1942
Holloway, Robin, 1943-
Holloway, Samuel, 1981-
Holmboe, Vagn, 1909-1996
Holst, Gustav, 1874-1934
Holst, Imogen, 1907-1984
Holzmann, Abraham 'Abe' 1874-1939
Holzmann, Vroni, 1971-
Homilius, G. A. 1714-1785
Honegger, Arthur, 1892-1955
Hook, James 1746-1827
Hope, Stuart, 1965-
Hopkins, Antony, 1921-2014
Hopkins, Douglas, 1903-1992
Horn, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1786-1849
Horovitz, Joseph, 1926-2022
Horrocks, Amy Elsie, 1867-1919
Horsley, William, 1774-1858
Hosseini Kamal, Arvin
Hotter, Hans, 1485-1541
Hotteterre, Jacques-Martin 1674-1763
Hovhaness, Alan, 1911-2000
Hovland, Egil, 1924-2013
Howells, Herbert, 1892-1983
Höffler, Konrad, 1647-c.1705
Hubbell, Raymond, 1879-1954
Huber, Nicolaus, A 1939-
Hüe, Georges, 1858-1948
Huet, Gregorio, c.1550-c.1616
Hughes, Edward Dudley, 1968-
Hughes, Herbert, 1882-1937
Hume, Tobias, c.1569-1645
Humfrey, Pelham, 1647-1674
Hummel, Bertold, 1925-2002
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 1778-1837
Humperdinck, Engelbert, 1854-1921
Humphries, John 1707-1740
Hunter, Willie, 1933-1995
Hurd, Michael John , 1928-2006
Hurford, Peter, 1930-2019
Hutt, Robin P. 1977-
Hyrose, Ryohei, 1930-2008
Ibarra, Federico, 1946-
Ibert, Jacques, 1890-1962
Ibler, Eric Fairbairn von, 1954-
Ichiyanagi, Toshi 1933-2022
Iles, Nikki, 1963-
Inness, Peter, 1946-
Ioannidis, Yannis, 1930-
Ireland, John, 1879-1962
Irgens Jensen, Ludvig, 1894-1969
Isaac, Heinrich c.1450-1517
Isaacs, Ben, 1986-
Iturralde, Pedro, 1929-2020
Ives, Charles, 1874-1954
Ives, Grayston 1948-
Jablonski, Henryk, 1915-1989
Jackson, Francis, 1917-2022
Jackson, Gabriel 1962-
Jacob, Gordon, 1895-1984
Jacquet de La Guerre, Elisabeth-Claude, 1665-1729
James, Christopher
Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928
Janchenko, Oleg 1929-2002
Janequin, Clément, c.1485-1558
Jarnach, Philipp, 1892-1982
Jarvis, Caleb, 1904-1980
Jenkins, John, 1592-1678
Jennings, Michael, 1978-
Jensen, Adolf, 1837-1879
Joachim, Joseph, 1831-1907
Jobim, Antônio Carlos, 1927-1994
Johann 1653-1706
Johanson, Bryan, 1951-
Johnson, David, 1942-2009
Johnson, David, C. 1940-2021
Johnson, John, 1545-1594
Johnson, Robert Sherlaw, 1932-2000
Johnson, Robert, c.1500-1560
Johnson, Robert, c.1583-1633
Johnstone, Maurice, 1900-1976
Jolivet, André, 1905-1974
Jommelli, Niccolo, 1714-1774
Jones, Oskar, 2000-
Jones, Richard J.
Jones, Robert, 1577-1615
Jones, Stuart
Jones, William, 1959-
Jongen, Joseph, 1873-1953
Josquin, des Prez, 1445-1521
Joubert, John, 1927-2019
Juon, Paul, 1872-1940
Justice, Alistair, 1974-
Kalkbrenner, Frédéric 1785-1849
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel, 1801-1866
Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo, c.1580-1651
Karam, Frederick, 1926-1978
Karg-Elert, Sigfrid 1877-1933
Karpodinis, Anastassios, 1975-
Kathmeridou, Afrodita, 1956-
Katzer, Georg, 1935-2019
Kee, Cor, 1900-1997
Kee, Piet, 1927-2018
Keel, Frederick, 1871-1954
Keeling, Andrew, 1955-
Keenan, Paul, 1956-2001
Kellner, Johann Christoph, 1736-1803
Kelly, Earl of (see Thomas Alexander Erskine), 1732-1781
Kelly, F. S. (Frederick Septimus), 1881-1916
Kelly, Victoria, 1973-
Kendall, Hannah, 1984-
Kennedy-Fraser, Marjory, 1857-1930
Kenny, John, 1957-
Kerckhoven, Abraham van den, c.1618-c.1701
Kerll, Johann Kaspar, 1627-1693
Kern, Jerome, 1885-1945
Khachaturian, Aram 1903-1978
Khandoshkin, Ivan Evstafʹevich, 1747-1804
Kielb, Krystian 1971-
King, Geoffrey, 1949-
King, Wayne, 1901-1985
Kinloch, William, fl.1568-1582
Kitchen, John, 1950-
Kitchings, Irene, 1908-1975
Kittel, Johann Christian, 1732-1809
Kleber, Leonhard c. 1495-1556
Klein, Gideon, 1919-1945
Klengel, Julius, 1859-1933
Klerk, Albert de, 1917-1998
Knab, Armin, 1881-1951
Knecht, Justin Heinrich, 1752-1817
Kneller, Andreas 1649-1724
Knussen, Oliver, 1952-2018
Kodály, Zoltán, 1882-1967
Koechlin, Charles, 1867-1950
Koglmann, Franz, 1947-
Kohaut, Karl, 1726-1784
Kókai, Reszo, 1906-1962
Komrakov, German 1937-1996
Kont, Paul, 1920-2000
Koomans, Dick, 1957-
Kraus, Joseph Martin, 1756-1792
Krähmer, Ernst, 1795-1837
Krebs, Johann Ludwig, 1713-1780
Kreisler, Friedrich (Fritz), 1875-1962
Kreutzer, Rodolphe, 1766-1831
Kropfgans, Johann, 1708-c1770
Kropfreiter, Augustinus Franz, 1936-2003
Kuchař, Jan Křtitel, 1751-1829
Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1810-1882
Kühmstedt, F. 1809-1858
Kuhnau, Johann, 1660-1722
Kühr, Gert, 1952-
Kullak, Theodor, 1818-1882
Kummer, Friedrich August 1797-1879
Kurtág, György, 1926-
Kuusisto, Ilkka, 1933-
Kühnel, August, 1645-c.1700
Labarre, Théodore, 1805-1870
Labitzki, Joseph, 1802-1881
Lachenmann, Helmut, 1935-
Lachner, Franz, 1803-1890
Laitman, Lori, 1955-
Lalo, Edouard, 1823-1892
Lambert, Constant, 1905-1951
Lambert, Michel, 1610-1696
Laming, Jo
Lanchbery, John, 1923-2003
Landi, Stefano, c.1587-1639
Landini, Francesco, c.1325-1397
Lane, Philip, b. 1950
Lang, David, 1957-
Lange, Gustav, 1830-1889
Langlais, Jean 1907-1991
Lanier, Nicholas, 1588-1666
Lanner, Joseph, 1801-1843
Lanquetuit, Marcel, 1894-1985
Lansky, Paul, 1944-
Lansley, Paul
Lanzetti, Salvatore, 1710-1780
Lapicida, Erasmus c.1440-1547
Lardelli, Dylan, 1979-
Laserna, Blas de, 1751-1816
Lassus (Lasso), Orlando di, 1532-1594
Laub, Ferdinand, 1832-1875
Lauermann, Herbert, 1955-
Laukvik, Jon, 1952-
Lauro, Antonio 1917-1986
Lawes, Henry 1595-1662
Lawes, William, 1602-1645
Le Jeune, Claude, c. 1528 -1600
Le Roux, Gaspard, c.1660-c.1707
Le Roy, Adrian, c.1520-1599
Lea-Cox, Peter 1954-
Lebedev, A. (Alekseĭ) 1924-1993
Lebègue, Nicolas, c.1631-1702
Leclair, Jean-Marie, 1697-1764
Lecosaldi (see Lea-Cox, Peter)
Lee, Dick
Leetherland, Thomas, active 17th century
LeFanu, Nicola, 1947-
Lefébure-Wély, Louis James Alfred, 1817-1869
Lefebvre, Ch. (Charles), 1843-1917
Lefèvre, Jean-Xavier, 1763-1829
Legrenzi, Giovanni, 1626-1690
Leguay, Jean-Pierre, 1939-
Leguizamón, Gustavo, 1917-2000
Lehrer, Tom, 1928-
Leighton, Kenneth 1929-1988
Lekeu, Guillaume, 1870-1894
Lekkerkerker, Gijsbert, 1947-
Lemare, Edwin H. (Edwin Henry), 1865-1934
Lemmens, Jacques-Nicolas, 1823-1881
Lennon, John, 1940-1980/McCartney, Paul, 1942-
Leo, Leonardo, 1694-1744
León, Paloma, 2001-
Leonarda, Isabella, 1620-1704
Leslie, Henry, 1822-1896
Lester-Cribb, Michael, 1928-2006
Lewandowski, Louis, 1821-1894
Lewis, Morgan, 1906-1968
Lewis-Nunes, Joseph 1979-2019
Leyding, Georg Dietrich, 1664-1710
Li, Mingdu
Libert, Henri 1869-1937
Lickl, Ägidius F. K. (Ägidius Ferdinand Karl), 1803-1864
Liddell, Claire, 1937-
Liddle, David, 1960-
Ligeti, György, 1923-2006
Lilburn, Douglas, 1915-2001
Lindberg, Oskar, 1887-1955
Linde, Hans-Martin, 1930-
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von, 1791-1856
Linson, Adam, 1975-
Liszt, Franz (Ferenc), 1811-1886
Litaize, Gaston, 1909-1991
Litolff, Henry, 1818-1891
Liuzzi, Fernando, 1884-1940
Lloyd Webber, Andrew,1948-
Lloyd, George, 1913-1998
Lloyd, Jonathan, 1948-
Lloyd-Webber, William S. 1914-1982
Lobo, Alonso, 1555-1617
Locke, Matthew, 1621 or 1622-1677
Loder, Edward, 1809-1865
Loeffler, Charles Martin, 1861-1935
Loewe, Johann Carl Gottfried, 1796-1869
Logroscino, Nicola, 1698-c.1765
Lotti, Antonio, c. 1667-1740
Loucheur, Raymond, 1899-1979
Lovelady, William, 1945-
Lübeck, Vincent, 1654-1740
Luciano, Luca, 1975-
Ludwig, Margaret, 1905-1996
Lugge, John 1580-1647/55
Lully, Jean-Baptiste de, 1632-1687
Lumbye, H. C. (Hans Christian), 1810-1874
Lumsdaine, David, 1931-2024
Lund, Helle, 1969-
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
Lutosławski, Witold, 1913-1994
Luzzaschi, Luzzacso, 1547-1607
Lyall, Charles, 1958-
Lynch, Graham, 1957-
MacCunn, Hamish, 1868-1916
MacDonald, Alistair, 1962-
MacDonald, Fraser, 2001-
MacDonald, Hugh, 1948-
MacDonald, Raymond 1965-
MacDowell, Edward 1860-1908
Macfarren, G.A. (George Alexander), 1813-1887
Machaut, Guillaume de, c. 1300-1377
Macintyre, Max, 2000-
Mackay, Neil 1947-2023
Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell, 1847-1935
Mackintosh, Robert, c.1745-1807
MacMillan, James, 1959-
Maconchy, Elizabeth, 1907-1994
Macpherson, Charles S. (Stewart), 1865-1941
Macpherson, Charles, 1870-1927
MacRae, Stuart, 1976-
Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911
Maier, Julius, J. 1821-1889
Mainerio, Giorgio, approximately 1535-1582
Major, Douglas, 1953-
Maldere, Pierre van, 1724-1768
Maleingreau, Paul de, 1887-1956
Malipiero, Gian Francesco, 1882-1973
Mallon, Allardyce. 1965-
Mancini, Francesco, 1672-1737
Mangoré, Agustin Barrios, 1885-1944 (see Barrios, Agustin)
Manzi, Homero, 1907-1951
Marais, Marin, 1656-1728
Marazaite, Nora
Marcello, Alessandro, 1669-1747
Marcello, Benedetto, 1686-1739
Marchand, Louis, 1669-1732
Marenzio, Luca 1553 - 1599
Mariani, Angelo 1821-1873
Marie-Antoinette, 1755-1793
Marini, Biagio, c.1597-c.1665
Markovich, Mitch, 1944-
Maros, Miklós, 1943-
Marsh, Roger, 1949-
Marshall, William 1748-1833
Martin, Benjamin, 1970-
Martin, Frank, 1890-1974
Martines, Marianna, 1744-1812
Martini, Giovanni Battista, 1706-1784
Martinon, Jean, 1910-1976
Martinů, Bohuslav, 1890-1959
Martlew, Zoë, 1969-
Mascagni, Pietro, 1863-1945
Mason, William, 1829-1908
Massé, Victor, 1822-1884
Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912
Mastrantonis, Aggelos, 1990-
Matheson, Iain, 1970-
Mathias, William 1934-1992
Mattei, Tito, 1841-1914
Matteis, Nicola, c.1650-1707
Matter, Bert, 1937-
Mattheson, Johann, 1681-1764
Maurice, Paule, 1910-1967
Maw, Nicholas, 1935-2009
Mayer, John, 1929-2004
Mayerl, William, 1902-1959
Mayone, Ascanio (c.1570-1627)
McCabe, John, 1939-2015
McCaughey, John, 1947-
McDowall, Cecilia, 1951-
McEwen, John B. (John Blackwood), 1868-1948
McEwen, R. F. (Robert Finnie) 1861-1926
McGarry, Erin, 2001-
McGibbon, William 1690-1756
McGuire, Edward, 1948-
McKay, Catriona, 1976-
McKinnon, Graeme, 1950-
McKinon, Graeme, 1950-
McLachlan, John, -1702
McLean, Charles, c.1712-1772
McLeod, Jennifer Helen, 1941-
McLeod, John, 1934-2022
McQueen, Ian 1954-
Mealor, Paul, 1975-
Medtner, Nikolaĭ Karlovich, 1880-1951
Méhul, Etienne Nicolas, 1763-1817
Mekelburg, Frauke, 1969-
Melli, Pietro Paulo, 1579-1623
Mellon, Alfred 1820-1867
Mendelssohn, Fanny (see Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn, 1805-1847)
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847
Menotti, Gian Carlo, 1911-2007
Mente, Johann Gottfried, 1689-c.1760
Merbecke, John, c.1510- c.1585
Mercadante, Saverio, 1795-1870
Meredith, Anna, 1978-
Merkel, Gustav, 1827-1885
Mertz, Johann Kaspar 1806-1856
Merula, Tarquinio, 1595-1665
Merulo, Claudio, 1533-1604
Messiaen, Olivier, 1908-1992
Metcalf, Thomas, 1996-
Metheny, Pat, 1954-
Metra, Olivier, 1830-1889
Mews, Douglas 1918-1993
Meyer, Gregor, c.1510-1576
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 1791-1864
Micheelsen, Hans Friedrich, 1902-1973
Michèle Rusconi, 1960-
Michell, Richard, 1999-
Milanuzzi, Carlo, 1590-1647
Milde, Ludwig, 1849-1913
Milhaud, Darius, 1892-1974
Milner, Arthur 1894-1972
Milstein, Nathan, 1903-1992
Mintzer, Bob, 1953-
Mitchell, Stuart Murray, 1988-
Moeran, E. J. (Ernest John), 1894-1950
Mohrhardt, Peter ?-1685
Molique, Bernhard 1802-1869
Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanéa de 1711-1772
Monelle, Raymond, 1937-2010
Moniuszko, Stanislaw, 1819-1872
Monk, Thelonius, 1917-1982
Montague, Stephen, 1943-
Monte, Philippe de, 1521-1603
Montes, Alfonso, 1955-
Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643
Montéclair, Michel Pignolet de, 1667-1737
Monti, Vittorio, 1868-1922
Montsalvatge, Xavier, 1912-2002
Moonie, W.B. 1883-1961
Moore, David
Morales, Cristobal de, c.1500-1553
Morel, Jacques, active c.1700-1740
Morel, Jorge 1931-2021
Moreno Torroba, Federico, 1891-1982
Morhardt, Peter, -1685
Mori, Francisco 1820-1873
Morlaye, Guillaume, 1515-1560
Morley, Thomas, 1557-1602
Morricone, Ennio, 1928-2020
Morrison, Symon, 1961-
Morsberger, Robert, 1959-2013
Mortari, Virgilio, 1902-1993
Morton, Robert, c.1430-c.1479
Moscheles, Ignaz, 1794-1870
Moszkowski, Moritz, 1854-1925
Moulinié, Étienne, 1599-1676
Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang, 1791-1844
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
Muczynski, Robert, 1929-2010
Mudarra, Alonso, approximately 1506-1580
Muffat, Georg 1653-1704
Muldowney, Dominic, 1952-
Mulet, Henri, 1878-1967
Mundy, John, 1555-1630
Munro, Alexander fl. c. 1732
Murray, Donald Christie, 1925-1987
Murrill, Herbert, 1909-1952
Musgrave, Thea, 1928-
Mushel, Georgi, 1909-
Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich, 1839-1881
Müthel, Johann Gottfried, 1728-1788
Müller, Wenzel, 1767-1835
Nanino, Giovanni Maria, 1543 or 1544-1607
Nardini, Pietro, 1722-1793
Nares, James, 1715-1783
Natra, Sergiu, 1924-2021
Naylor, Edward W. (Edward Woodall), 1867-1934
Nazareth, Ernesto, 1863-1934
Nedbal, Manfred, 1902-1977
Nelson, Peter, 1951-
Neri, Massimiliano, c.1621-c.1670
Netti, Giorgio, 1961-
Neusiedler, Hans, c. 1508-1563
Newland, Paul
Newman, Sidney, 1906-1971
Newson, George, 1932-
Nicholls, Frederick William, 1808-1896
Nicolai, Otto, 1810-1849
Nicolson, Alasdair, 1961-
Nieland, Jan, 1903-1963
Nielsen, Carl, 1865-1931
Nieminsky, Simon, 1968-
Nin, Joaquín, 1879-1949
Nisbet, John, 1609-1687
Nitibhon, Anothai
Nivers, Guillaume-Gabiel, c.1632-1714
Noda, Ryo, 1948-
Nono, Luigi, 1924-1990
Noordt, Anthoni van, 1619-1675
Norris, Michael, 1973-
Norris, Philip, 1948-
Nyman, Michael, 1944-
O'Brien, Charles H. F. 1883-1968
O'Neill, Norman, 1875-1934
Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903
Oberthür, Charles, 1819-1895
Obradors, Fernando, 1897-1945
Obrecht, Jacob c.1457-1505
Ockeghem, Johannes, approximately 1410-1497
Offenbach, Jacques, 1819-1880
Ohana, Maurice, 1913-1992
Oldham, Arthur, 1926-2003
Olsson, Otto 1879-1964
Onslow, Georges, 1784-1853
Oortmerssen, Jacques van 1950-
Ord, Boris, 1897-1961
Orff, Carl, 1895-1982
Orgas, Annibale, c.1585-1629
Orr, Robin, 1909-2006
Ortiz de Zarate, Juan, 1959-
Ortiz, Diego, c.1510-1570
Osborne, Nigel 1948-
Oswald, James, 1710-1769
Ouseley, F. A. Gore (Frederick Arthur Gore), 1825-1889
O’Hara, Kane, c.1714-1782
Pace, Albert, 1958-
Pachelbel, Johann 1653-1706
Pacini, Giovanni, 1796-1867
Paganini, Nicoló, 1782-1840
Paine, John Knowles, 1839-1906
Paisiello, Giovanni, 1740-1816
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 1525?-1594
Pallier, Amélie, 2002-
Palschau, Johann Gottfried Wilhelm, 1742-1815
Panagiotou, Ioannis (John), 1955-
Pandolfi Mealli, Giovanni Antonio, c.1624-1669
Panufnik, Roxanna, 1968-
Papaeracleous, Andreas
Papelli, Arvin
Paradies, Pietro Domenico, 1707-1791
Parish-Alvars, Elias, 1808-1849
Parker, Charlie, 1920-1955
Parker, Horatio, 1863-1919
Parker, Martin
Parmegiani, Bernard, 1927-2013
Parry, C. Hubert H. (Charles Hubert Hastings), 1848-1918
Parry, Suzanne, 1980-
Parsons, Robert, (c.1535-1572)
Pärt, Arvo, 1935-
Pascoal, Hermeto, 1936-
Pasquali, Niccolo, c.1718-1757
Pasquini, Bernardo 1637-1710
Pasquini, Ercole, c.1560-before 1620
Passereau, Pierre, 1490-1547
Paterson, Lliam, 1991-
Paterson, Wilma, 1944-
Patterson, Paul, 1947-
Paulet, active 1420-1425
Paumann, Conrad 1410-1473
Pauset, Brice, 1965-
Pavia, Isidore Leo 1875-1945
Paxton, Stephen, 1734-1787
Payne, Anthony, 1936-2021
Peace, Albert Lister 1844-1912
Pearsall, Robert Lucas, 1795-1856
Peebles, David, c.1510-1579
Peeters, Flor 1903-1986
Penderecki, Krzysztof, 1933-2020
Pepusch, Johann Christoph, 1667-1752
Peraza, Francisco de, 1564-1598
Pereyra, Cecilia, 1977-
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista, 1710-1736
Peri, Jacopo, 1561-1633
Perry, Edward, 1855-1924
Persichetti, Vincent, 1915-1987
Pert, Morris, 1947-2010
Pessard, Émile, 1843-1917
Pesson, Gérard, 1958-
Peterkin, Norman, 1886-1982
Peterson, Jan
Petrassi, Goffredo, 1904-2003
Peuerl, Paul c.1560-c.1625
Pezel, Johann, 1639-1694
Pérotin, Perotinus, c.1160-c.1205
Phalèse, Pierre, c.1510-
Philips, Peter, c.1560-1628
Phillips, Robert
Piacentini, Riccardo, 1958-
Piatti, Alfredo C. (Alfredo Carlo), 1822-1901
Piazzolla, Astor, 1921-1992
Picchi, Giovanni, c.1571-1643
Piccinini, Alessandro, 1566-c.1639
Piccinni, Niccolo, 1728-1800
Pierné, Gabriel, 1863-1937
Piggott, H. E. (Harry Edward), 1878-1966
Pilkington, Francis, c.1562-1638
Pinkham, Daniel, 1923-2006
Pinsuti, Ciro, 1829-1888
Pisendel, Johann Georg, 1667/8-1755
Piston, Walter, 1894-1976
Pitt, Percy, 1869-1932
Pixis, Johann Peter, 1788-1874
Pizzetti, Ildebrando, 1880-1968
Planel, Robert, 1908-1994
Playford, John 1623-c.1686
Plaza, Julián, 1928-2003
Pleyel, Ignaz, 1757-1831
Poglietti, Alessandro, 1641-1683
Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco, c.1653-1723
Ponchielli, Amilcare, 1834-1886
Pool, Philippus, 1709-1795
Poole, Geoffrey 1949-
Popplewell, Richard, 1935-2016
Porena, Boris, 1927-2022
Porpora, Nicola, 1686-1768
Porter, Cole, 1891-1964
Poston, Elizabeth, 1905-1987
Poulenc, Francis, 1899-1963
Pousseur, Henri, 1929-2009
Powell, John, 1882-1963
Poynton, Dan
Praetorius, Hieronymus 1560-1629
Praetorius, Jakob 1586-1651
Praetorius, Michael 1571-1621
Prelleur, Peter, 1705?-1741
Preston, Simon, 1938-2022
Price, Florence, 1887-1953
Proch, Heinrich, 1809-1878
Prokofiev, Sergey, 1891-1953
Prowo, Pierre, 1697-1757
Prudent, Emile 1817-1863
Psathas, John, 1966-
Puccini, Giacomo, 1858-1924
Pugnani, Gaetano, 1731-1798
Pullein, John, 1878-1948
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Purser, John, 1942-
Puzzi, Giovanni, 1792-1876
Quilter, Roger, 1877-1953
Quinn, Iain, 1973-
Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943
Rackipov, Errol
Raff, Joachim, 1822-1882
Rainier, Priaulx, 1903-1986
Raison, André c.1640-1719
Ramanna, Nishlyn, 1971-
Rameau, Jean-Philippe, 1683-1764
Ramirez, Ariel, 1921-2010
Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758
Randall, Anthony, 1930-2023
Rathbone, Christopher 1947-
Rathgeber, Johann Valentin 1682-1750
Rautavaara, Einojuhani, 1928-2016
Ravanello, Oreste 1871-1938
Ravel, Maurice, 1875-1937
Ravenscroft, John, c. 1665-1697
Ravenscroft, Thomas, c.1588-c.1633
Rawsthorne, Alan, 1905-1971
Rawsthorne, Noel, 1929-2019
Reading, John, 1685/6-1764
Redford, John, -1547
Redman, Don, 1900-1964
Reger, Max, 1873-1916
Reich, Steve, 1936-
Reicha, Anton, 1770-1836
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1814
Reid, John, 1722-1807
Reincken, Johann Adam, 1643-1722
Reinecke, Carl, 1824-1910
Reizenstein, Franz, 1911-1968
Rekleitis, Kostas, 1975-
Reschofsky, Sándor 1887-1972
Respighi, Ottorino, 1879-1936
Reubke, Julius, 1834-1858
Reuchsel, Eugène, 1900-1988
Revueltas, Silvestre, 1899-1940
Reynolds, Verne, 1926-2011
Rheinberger, Joseph, 1839-1901
Ricciotti, Carlo, 1681-1756
Richter, Max, 1966-
Ridout, Alan, 1934-1996
Riehman (Richmann), Jacob, -1726
Ries, Ferdinand, 1784-1838
Rietz, Julius, 1812-1877
Riley, John, 1958-
Riley, Terry, 1935-
Rimmer, Frederick, 1914-1998
Rimmer, John, 1939-
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay, 1844-1908
Rinck, Christian H. (Christian Heinrich), 1770-1846
Riotte, André, 1928-2011
Ritter, Alexander, 1833-1896
Rivier, Jean, 1896-1987
Roberday, François, 1624-1680
Roberts, Myron J., 1912-2004
Robinson, Michael
Robinson, Thomas, active 1589-1609
Roblee, Richard, 1943-
Rode, P. (Pierre), 1774-1830
Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979
Rodrigo, Joaquín, 1901-1999
Rodriguez, Gerardo Matos, 1897-1948
Roger-Ducasse, Jean, 1873-1954
Rognoni, Francesco of Taeggio, 1585-1624
Rognoni, Riccardo, c.1550-c.1620
Rojek, Piotr 1975-
Roman, Johan Helmich, 1694-1758
Romberg, Bernhard, 1767-1841
Röntgen, Julius, 1855-1932
Rooke, W. M. (William Michael), 1794-1847
Ropek, Jiri , 1922-2005
Rore, Cipriano de, 1515 or 1516-1565
Rorem, Ned 1923-2022
Rosauro, Ney, 1952-
Rose, Bernard, 1916-1996
Rosenblatt, Alexander, 1956-
Rosseter, Philip, 1567 or 1568-1623
Rossi, Francesco, 1627- c. 1700
Rossi, Luigi, 1597-1653
Rossi, Michelangelo, 1602-1656
Rossi, Salamone, c.1570-c.1630
Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868
Rota, Nino, 1911-1979
Roussel, Albert, 1869-1937
Routh, Francis, 1927-2021
Rowe, Rebecca, 1970-
Rowland-Jones, Simon, 1950-
Rowley, Alec, 1892-1958
Rubbra, Edmund, 1901-1986
Rubinstein, Anton, 1829-1894
Ruders, Poul, 1949-
Rue, Pierre de la c.1460-1518
Ruffo, Vincenzo, c.1508-1587
Ruloffs, B. (Bartholomeus), 1741-1801
Rummel, Walter Morse, 1887-1953
Runswick, Daryl, 1946-
Rusconi, Roberto David, 1976-
Russell, William, 1777-1813
Rust, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1739-1796
Rutter, John, 1945-
Rütti, Carl 1949-
Ruždjak, Marko, 1946-2012
Rzewski, Frederic(k), 1938-2021
Sacchini, Antonio, 1734-1786
Saeverud, Harald, 1897-1992
Saint-Martin, Léonce de, 1886-1954
Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921
Salgán, Horacio, 1916-2016
Salome, Théodore, 1834-1896
Salter, Timothy 1942-
Salzedo, Carlos, 1885-1961
Sammartini, Giovanni Battista, c.1700-1775
Sammartini, Giuseppe, 1695-1750
Sancan, Pierre, 1916-2008
Sandrin, Pierre Regnault, c.1490-c.1561
Santorsola, Guido, 1904-1994
Sarasate, Pablo de, 1844-1908
Sark, Einar Trærup, 1921-2005
Satie, Erik, 1866-1925
Saunders, Rebecca, 1967-
Savanenkovaite-Shilton, Alina
Sawa, Marian 1937-1995
Scarlatti, Alessandro, 1660-1725
Scarlatti, Domenico, 1685-1757
Scharwenka, Philipp, 1847-1917
Scheidemann, Heinrich, c.1595-1663
Scheidler, Christian Gottlieb, c.1750-c.1815
Scheidt, Samuel 1587-1654
Schein, Johann Hermann, 1586-1630
Schetky, Johann Georg Christoph, 1737-1824
Schildt, Melchior, 1592-1667
Schindler-Mahler, Alma Maria. 1879-1964
Schlick, Arnold, c.1460-1521
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich, c.1623-1680
Schmidt, Franz, 1874-1939
Schmidt, William, 1926-2009
Schnittke, Alfred, 1934-1998
Schnitzer, Franz Xaver, 1740-1785
Schoeck, Othmar, 1886-1957
Schönberg, Arnold, 1874-1951
Schreker, Franz, 1878-1934
Schroeder, Hermann, 1904-1984
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828
Schulhoff, Ervín, 1894-1942
Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter, 1747-1800
Schumann, Clara, 1819-1896
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856
Schütz, Heinrich, 1585-1672
Schwindl, Frederic, c.1737-1786
Sciarrino, Salvatore, 1947-
Scott, Alicia Ann ( Lady John) 1810-1900
Scott, Cyril, 1879-1970
Scott, Francis George, 1880-1958
Scriabin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, 1872-1915
Sculthorpe, Peter, 1929-2014
Searle, Humphrey, 1915-1982
Searle, Oliver Iredale, 1977-
Seiber, Mátyás, 1905-1960
Seixas, Carlos, 1704-1742
Selby, William, 1738-1798
Selma y Salaverde, Bartolomé de, 1585-c.1638
Seltz, Thomas, 1978-2017
Senaillé, Jean Baptiste, 1687-1730
Senfl, Ludwig c.1489-1543
Serf, Monique Andrée (see 'Barbara')
Sermisy, Claudin de, approximately 1490-1562
Serocki, Kasimierz, 1922-1981
Serra, Fillipo (18th century)
Serrano, José Manuel, 1982-
Servais, Adrien-François, 1807-1866
Sessions, Roger 1896-1985
Shaw, Geoffrey Turton, 1879-1943
Shaw, Martin, 1875-1958
Shchedrin, Rodion Konstantinovich, 1932-
Shearing, George, 1920-2011
Sheppard, John c.1515-1559
Shield, William, 1748-1829
Shinohara, Makato, 1931-2024
Shipley, Edward, 1941-1988
Shorter, Wayne, 1933-2023
Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975
Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975.
Sibelius, Jean, 1865-1957
Sicher, Fridolin 1490-1546
Sierra, Roberto, 1953-
Silas, Edouard, 1827-1909
Simpson, Christopher, 1602/1606 -1669
Simpson, Robert, 1921-1997
Sinclair, Cameron
Sinigaglia, Leone, 1868-1944
Sir Donald Francis
Skalkottas, Nikos, 1904-1949
Skempton, Howard, 1947-
Slavický, Klement, 1910-1999
Sloan, Becca
Sløgedal, Bjarne, 1927-2014
Smalley, Denis, 1946-
Smalley, Roger, 1943-2015
Smart, Henry, 1813-1879
Smetana, Bedřich, 1824-1884
Smith, Eric, 1905-1985
Smith, John Stafford, 1750-1836
Smith, Karen
Smith, Neil Tòmas
Smith, Simon David, 1983-
Smith, Stuart Saunders, 1948-
Smyth, Ethel, 1858-1944
Soderman, Johann August 1832-1876
Sokola, Milos, 1913-1976
Soldt, Susanne van, c.1555-1615
Soler, Antonio, 1729-1783
Somervell, Arthur, 1863-1937
Sor, Fernando, 1778-1839
Sourlas, Achilleas, 1978-
Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932
Souster, Timothy, 1943-1994
Sowerby, Leo, 1895-1968
Spedding, Frank Donald, 1929-2001
Speer, Daniel, 1636-1707
Speth, Johannes, 1664-c.1720
Spinks, Charles. 1915-1992
Spofforth, Reginald, 1768-1827
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
Spontini, Gaspare, 1774-1851
Spottiswoode, Alicia Ann (see Lady John Scott)
Spratt, Alasdair, 1981-
Squire, W. H. (William Henry), 1871-1963
Stadler, Maximilian, 1748-1833
Stamitz, Johann (Jan Václav) 1717-1757
Stanford, Charles Villiers, 1852-1924
Stanley, Jane, 1976-
Stanley, John 1712-1786
Statham, Heathcote Dicken, 1889-1973
Steel, Christopher, 1938-1991
Stefani, Giovanni, active 1618-1626
Steffani, Agostino, 1654-1728
Steibelt, Daniel, 1765-1823
Steigleder, Johann Ulrich, 1593-1635
Stekel, Eric-Paul, 1898-1978
Stensgaard, Kai, 1952-
Stephen, David 1869-1946
Stephen, Graeme, 1974-
Stephen-Samuels, Patrick
Stevens, Bernard, 1916-1983
Stevens, R. J. S. (Richard John Samuel), 1757-1837
Stevenson, John, 1761-1833
Stevenson, Ronald, 1928-2015
Stevenson, Savourna, 1961-
Stirling, Elizabeth, 1819-1895
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 1928-2007
Stollery, Peter, 1960-
Stölzel, Gottfried, 1690-1749
Stoyanov, Veselin, 1902-1969
Stradella, Alessandro, 1639-1682
Strauss, Johann (the elder), 1804-1849
Strauss, Johann (the younger), 1825-1899
Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949
Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971
Stricker, Augustin Reinhard, c.1675-1720
Striggio, Alessandro, c.1536-1592
Strozzi, Barbara, 1619-1677
Stubbs, Simon, fl.1616-1621
Sturm, Armin, c.1964-
Suárez, Juan Antonio 'Canito'
Suk, Josef, 1874-1935
Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900
Sulzberger, Hermann, 1957-
Summers, Mark
Sumsion, Herbert, 1899-1995
Suppé, Franz von, 1819-1895
Susato, Tielman c.1510 – after 1570
Svendsen, Johan S. (Johan Severin), 1840-1911
Swain, Freda, 1902-1985
Swan, Peter
Swann, Matthew, 1973-
Swayne, Giles, 1946-
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon, 1562-1621
Sweeney, William 1950-
Sylʹvestrov, Valentyn Vasylʹovych, 1937-
Szulc, Josef, 1875-1956
Szymanowski, Karol, 1882-1937
Šenderovas, Michailas, 1917-1984
Taffanel, Claude Paul, 1844-1908
Takahashi, Yūji, 1938-
Takemitsu, Tōru, 1930-1996
Taktakishvili, Otar, 1924-1989
Tallis, Thomas, c.1505-1585
Tanaka, Atau
Taneev (Taneyev), Sergeĭ Ivanovich, 1856-1915
Tansman, Alexandre, (b. 1897)
Tartini, Giuseppe, 1692-1770
Taubert, Wilhelm, 1811-1891
Tavener, John, 1944-2013
Taverner, John c.1490-1545
Taylor, Stuart, 1973-
Tárrega, Francisco, 1852-1909
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich, 1840-1893
Tcherepnine, Nicolas, 1873-1945
Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767
Telford, James
Terzi, Giovanni Antonio, c.1580-1620
Terziani, P. (Pietro), 1765-1831
Thacker, Simon, 1979-
Thalben-Ball, George Thomas, 1896-1987
Thalberg, Sigismond, 1812-1871
Theile, Johann, 1646-1724
Thomas, Ambroise, 1811-1896
Thomas, Arthur Goring, 1850-1892
Thomasss, John, 1826-1913
Thompson, Randall, 1899-1984
Thomson, David Cleghorn, 1900-1980
Thomson, Erin
Thomson, John, 1805-1841
Thomson, William (ed)
Thorpe Davie, Cedric, 1913-1983
Tippett, Michael, 1905-1998
Titelouze, Jean, 1563-1633
Toch, Ernst, 1887-1964
Tomasi, Henri, 1901-1971
Tomkins, Thomas, 1572-1656
Tonia, Lina, 1985-
Torelli, Giuseppe, 1658-1709
Tournemire, Charles 1870-1939
Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Toye, Geoffrey, 1889-1942
Trabaci, Giovanni Maria c. 1575-1647
Tresor (Tresure), fl.1650-1660
Troilo, Aníbal, 1914-1975
Tsangaris, Marios
Tuma, Frantisek, 1704-1777
Tunder, Franz, 1614-1667
Turina, Joaquín, 1882-1949
Turk, Daniel Gottlob, 1750-1813
Turnage, Mark-Anthony, 1960-
Turner, Elizabeth, 1730-1726
Tye, Christopher, c.1505-1573
Uhl, Alfred, 1909-1992
Underhill, Owen, 1954-
Ungar, Jay, 1946-
Urbanner, Erich, 1936-
Urrows, David Francis, 1957-
Usui, Shiori, 1981-
Vaccaj, Nicola 1790-1848
Vaillant, Jehan, c. 1360-1390
Valen, Fartein, 1887-1952
Valente, Antonio, 1520-1581
Valentini, Giuseppe, 1681-1753
Valentini, Roberto, c. 1671-1747
Valeri, Gaetano, 1760-1822
Van Alstyne, Egbert, 1878-1951
Van Dieren, Bernard, 1887-1936
van Eyck, Jacob, c.1590-1657
Van Heusen, Jimmy, 1913-1990
Van Hulse, Camil, 1897-1986
Vanhal, Johann Baptist, 1739-1813
Varèse, Edgard, 1883-1965
Vasks, Pēteris, 1946-
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 1872-1958
Vautor, Thomas, fl 1600-1620
Vavilov, Vladimir Fyodorovich, 1925-1973
Vejvanovský, Pavel Josef, 1633/1639-1693
Veldhuis, Jacob Ter 'Jacob TV', 1951-
Vella, Joseph, 1942-
Ventadorn, Bernart de, before 1152-c.1195
Veracini, Francesco Maria 1690-1768
Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901
Victoria (Vittoria), Tomas Luis de, c. 1548-1611
Vierdanck, Johann, c.1605-1646
Vierne, Louis, 1870-1937
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881
Villa-Lobos, Heitor, 1887-1959
Villanueva, Maria Cecilia, 1964-
Villette, Pierre 1926-1998
Villoldo, Angel, 1861-1919
Vinci, Leonardo, c.1690-1730
Vine, Carl, 1954-
Viola, Anselm, 1738-1798
Viotti, Giovanni Battista, 1755-1824
Visée, Robert de, c.1659-c.1725
Vitali, Tomaso Antonio, 1663-1745
Vivaldi, Antonio, 1678-1741
Vladigerov, Pancho, 1899-1978
Vlasov, Viktor, 1936-
Vogler, Johann Caspar, 1696-1763
Volkmann, Robert, 1815-1883
Vollenweider, Hans 1918-1993
von Bingen, Hildegard, 1098-1179
von Westhoff, Johann Paul 1656-1705
Voormolen, Alexander, 1895-1980
Wachs, Paul, 1851-1915
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883
Wagstaff, Julian, 1970-
Waldteufel, Charles-Emile, 1837-1915
Walker, Ernest, 1870-1949
Wall, Ruth
Wallace, William Vincent, 1812-1865
Waller, Fats, 1904-1943
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood, 1814-1856
Walond, William, 1719-1768
Walther, Johann Gottfried, 1684-1748
Walther, Johann Jakob, 1650-1717
Walton, William, 1902-1983
Ward, David 1941-
Ward, John 1590-1638
Warlock, Peter, 1894-1930
Warnes, Malcolm
Warrack, Guy, 1900-1986
Warren, Purcell 1895-1916
Watling, Horace 1880-1959
Watson, Richard Scott, 1955-
Watson, Ronald 1936-
Watt, Ian, 1991-
Webb, Barrie
Webbe, Samuel, 1740-1816
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
Webern, Anton, 1883-1945
Weckmann, Matthias c.1619-1674
Weelkes, Thomas, 1576-1623
Weill, Kurt, 1900-1950
Weinberg, Mieczyslaw, 1919-1996
Weinberger, Jaromír, 1896-1967
Weir, Judith, 1954-
Weiss, Silvius Leopold, 1687-1750
Weitz, Guy, 1883-1970
Weitz, Guy, 1883-1970
Weldon, John, 1676-1736
Wellesley (Wesley), Garrett Colley, 1735-1781
Wellesz, Egon, 1885-1974
Werner, Hildegard 1834-1911
Werner, Sven Erik, 1937-
Wert, Giaches de, 1535-1596
Wesley, Charles, 1757-1834
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian, 1810-1876
Wesley, Samuel, 1766-1837
West, John E. (John Ebenezer), 1863-1929
Whalley, Harry, 1984-
Whitehead, Gillian, 1941-
Whitfield, Peter, 1949-
Whitlock, Percy, 1903-1946
Whittaker, W. Gillies 1876-1944
Whittall, Matthew, 1975-
Whyte, Ian, 1901-1960
Widor, Charles-Marie, 1844-1937
Widor, François Charles, 1811-1899
Wiedemann, B. A. 1883-1851
Wieniawski, Henri, 1835-1880
Wiggins, Geraint, A.
Wilbye, John, 1574-1638
Willaert, Adrian 1490-1592
Willan, Healey, 1880-1968
Willcock, Ian 1959-
Williams Derek, 1952-
Williams, Grace, 1906-1977
Williams, John, 1932-
Williams, Sean
Williams, William, c.1670-1701
Williamson, Malcolm 1931-2003
Willis, Richard, 1929-1997
Wills, Arthur, 1926-2020
Willson, Rachel Beckles
Wilson, Gareth, 1976-
Wilson, Ian, 1964-
Wilson, John, 1595-1674
Wilson, Max, 1973-
Wilson, Thomas, 1927-2001
Wilson, Tom David, 1957-
Wirén, Dag, 1905-1986
Wishart, Trevor, 1946
Withy, Francis, c.1645-1727
Wolf, Hugo, 1860-1903
Wolstenholme, William 1865-1931
Wood, Charles
Wood, Henry J. (Henry Joseph), 1869-1944
Wood, Hugh, 1932-
Wood, James, 1953-
Woodcock, Clement, fl. 1575
Woods, Phil, 1931-2015
Wordsworth, William, 1908-1988
Worth, Richard, 1966-
Wright, Searle, 1918-2004
Xenakis, Iannis, 1922-2001
Yeats, Marc, 1962-
Yon, Pietro, 1886-1943
York, Andrew, 1958-
Yoshimatsu, Takashi, 1953-
Young, Douglas, 1947-
Young, Victor, 1899-1956
Young, William d.1662
Ysaÿe, Eugène-Auguste, 1858-1931
Yun, Isang, 1917-1995
Zach, Jan, 1699-1773
Zacharie, Nicholaus c.1400 or before -1466
Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1663-1712
Zádor, Eugene, 1894-1977
Zelter, Carl Friedrich, 1758-1832
Zipoli, Domenico, 1688-1726
Zivkovic, Nebjosa Jovan, 1962-
Zon, Bennett, 1961-
Żebrowski, Marcin Józef, 1702-1770
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