Peer Gynt suite no. 2, op. 55 - exceprt(s) from

  1. The Abduction of the Bride. Peer and Ingrid: Depicts Peer Gynt kidnapping Ingrid, who is about to be married, and taking her to the mountains. This starts out quickly, and then becomes sad and dramatic.
  2. Arabian Dance: A charming little dance evoking Peer Gynt's travels in Morocco.
  3. Peer Gynt's Homecoming: A stormy piece, describing Peer's journey back to Norway. Unfortunately he gets shipwrecked!
  4. Solveig's Song: A touching piece from the end of Act IV of the play. Grieg manages to capture an atmosphere of wistful sadness, with an absolutely beautiful melody.


Concerts by Work

Title Date Venue Professor
Reid Sunday Concert Sunday, October 24, 1943 Usher Hall Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Saturday Night Concert Saturday, December 8, 1945 Usher Hall Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971