Overture: "The Hebrides" (Fingal's Cave)

Alternative title: 
Die Hebriden

Work Type:

Concerts by Work

Title Date Venue Professor
Annual Reid Concert 1843 Monday, February 13, 1843 Assembly Rooms Bishop, Sir Henry R. (Henry Rowley), 1786-1855
Annual Reid Concert 1848 Monday, February 14, 1848 The Music Hall Donaldson, John, 1788-1865
Annual Reid Concert 1867 Wednesday, February 13, 1867 The Music Hall Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903
Edinburgh Orchestral Festival 1871 Saturday, February 11, 1871 The Music Hall Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903
Edinburgh Orchestral Festival: Reid Concert 1876 Saturday, February 12, 1876 The Music Hall Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903
Edinburgh Orchestral Festival: Reid Concert 1882 Monday, February 13, 1882 The Music Hall Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903
Edinburgh Orchestral Festival: Reid Concert 1888 Monday, February 13, 1888 The Music Hall Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903
Annual Reid Concert 1893 Tuesday, February 14, 1893 The Music Hall Niecks, Frederick Maternus, 1845-1924
Annual Reid Concert 1905 Thursday, February 16, 1905 University Music Class Room Niecks, Frederick Maternus, 1845-1924
Reid Orchestral Concert Saturday, January 19, 1918 The Music Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, October 30, 1924 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Professor Tovey's Sunday Concert Sunday, March 28, 1926 Synod Hall, Castle Terrace Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Professor Tovey's Sunday Concert Sunday, October 30, 1927 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Professor Tovey's Sunday Concert Sunday, October 6, 1929 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Professor Tovey's Sunday Concert Sunday, January 18, 1931 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, November 9, 1933 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, November 21, 1935 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, December 3, 1936 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Orchestral Concert (Fundraising) Wednesday, March 23, 1938 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Reid Orchestral Concert Saturday, March 16, 1940 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, May 7, 1942 Usher Hall Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Orchestral Concert Friday, November 16, 1945 Usher Hall Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Saturday Night Concert Saturday, December 29, 1945 Usher Hall Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Orchestral Concert Wednesday, November 19, 1947 Central Hall, Tollcross Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, December 3, 1953 Reid School of Music, Park Place (see also University Music Classroom) Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, November 29, 1956 Reid School of Music, Park Place (see also University Music Classroom) Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, November 1, 1962 Reid School of Music, Park Place (see also University Music Classroom) Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, November 13, 1969 Reid School of Music, Park Place (see also University Music Classroom) Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, January 17, 1980 Reid Concert Hall with Ahrend organ Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988