Ein Musikalische Opfer, BWV 1079 - and excerpt(s) from
1. Ricercar a 3 voci
2. Canon perpetuus (Perpetual canon)
3. Canones diversi super thema regium (Diverse canons on the royal theme)
i. Canon a 2.
ii. Canon a 2. Violini in unisono
iii. Canon a 2. Per motum contrarium (By contrary motion)
iv. Canon a 2. per augmentationem, contratio motu (By augmentation and contrary motion)
Notulis crescentibus crescat Fortuna Regis (Let the King's fortune increase as does the length of the notes)
v. Canon a 2. Per tonos
Ascendente modulatione ascendat Gloria Regis (May the Glory of the King rise with the rising modulations)
4. Fuga canonica in epidiapente (Canonic fugue at the fifth)
5. Ricerca a 6 voci
6. Canon a 2. Quaerendo invenietis (Seek and you will find)
7. Canon a 4.
8. Sonata a tre. Flauto, violino e basso
Largo - Allegro - Andante - Allegro
9. Canon perpetuus a 3. Flauto, violino e basso