Niecks, Frederick Maternus, 1845-1924
Frederick Maternus Niecks, b. Düsseldorf, 1875; d. Edinburgh 1924
Sixth Reid Professor of the Theory of Music at the University of Edinburgh, 1891-1914
Inaugural address on Monday 29 February 1892
- Frederick Niecks University of Edinburgh - Our History
- Edinburgh University Library, Gallery of Benefactors
Professor Frederick Niecks, Professor 1891-1914.
Frederick Niecks: Article in The Musical Times, Vol. 40, no. 679 (Sep. 1, 1899), pp. 585-593
Bronze bust in relief by Professor Otto Schlapp, on the south wall of the the Reid Concert Hall.

1845 Born in Dusseldorf on 3 February.
Son of Johann Niecks violinist, composer and arranger.
Studied violin with his father.
1857 studied violin with Wilhelm Langhans, concertmeister in Dusseldorf.
1858 made his solo debut in two movts of the B minor concerto by De Beriot
Attended local schools and played regularly in local events, balls, concerts and in the theatre for performances of opera, tragedy, comedy and vaudeville.
Studied violin with Julius Grunewald and Leopold Auer.
Studied pianoforte, composition and music theory with Julius Tausch.
1866 forced to give up plans for a playing career on grounds of ill health.
1868 his father died.
1868 came to live in Scotland at the invitation of Alexander Campbell MacKenzie.
1868 to 1891 based in Dumfries where he wrote, taught music and played the organ in St Mary’s Presbyterian Church and other churches.
1868 to 1872 viola playing member of Alexander MacKenzie’s string quartet.
1871 resident in Dumfries at the home of a Polish teacher of languages.
1872 lived for a time in Edinburgh.
1876 to 1923 A prolific writer on musical topics and contributor to several music journals including The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular and The Monthly Musical Record.
1877 studied in Leipzig.
1880 became a naturalised British subject.
1884 published his Dictionary of Musical Terms.
1888 published his book on Frederick Chopin as a man and musician.
1891 appointed Reid Professor of the Theory of Music at the University of Edinburgh.
1892 gave his inaugural address in the University Music Class Room on Monday 29 February.
1893 became the first Dean of the new Faculty of Music at the University of Edinburgh.
1894 Initiated an annual series of historical concerts in support of his University lecture series.
1901 resident, 24 Dick Place, Edinburgh.
1907 Married Christina Struthers, Mus. Bac., 9 August, 5 Lynedoch Place, Edinburgh.
1911 resident, 40 George Square, Edinburgh.
1924 Died at home, 40 George Square, Edinburgh on 24 June. Buried in Grange cemetery, Grange Road, Edinburgh.
1924 Obituary in The Musical Times, Vol 65. no. 978 (August 1, 1924) pp. 749-750