Weaver, Wayne, 1985-

In 2007 Wayne Anthony Weaver was a third year Music student at the University of Edinburgh. 
Born in Bradford he began his career as a chorister at Bradford Cathedral where he held the posts of head chorister, librarian and in 2002-2003, organ scholar.



Concerts by Performer

Title Date Venue Professor
Reid Organ Recital Friday, March 10, 2006 Reid Concert Hall with Ahrend organ Osborne, Nigel 1948-
Reid Organ Recital Friday, March 2, 2007 Reid Concert Hall with Ahrend organ Osborne, Nigel 1948-
Edinburgh University Musical Society Saturday, November 17, 2007 McEwan Hall Osborne, Nigel 1948-
Reid Organ Recital Friday, October 9, 2009 Reid Concert Hall with Ahrend organ Osborne, Nigel 1948-