Trebelli, Antoinette, 1866-

Antoinette Trebelli Brattini, sometimes sang under the name Antonia Dolores, was born in France.
Performed regularly with the Hallé Orchestra at their Thursday concerts in Manchester between Dec 1885 and Nov 1894 

Daughter of Zélia Trebelli [orig. Gloria Caroline Le Bert]: French mezzo-soprano (Paris: 1834 - 18 Aug 1892) who was married to Alessandro Brattini,  

voice - soprano

Concerts by Performer

Title Date Venue Professor
(15th) Edinburgh Orchestral Festival 1886 Friday, February 12, 1886 The Music Hall Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903
Edinburgh Orchestral Festival: Reid Concert 1886 Saturday, February 13, 1886 The Music Hall Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903
(15th) Edinburgh Orchestral Festival 1886 Monday, February 15, 1886 The Music Hall Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903