Pitt-Watson, Ian, 1923-1995

The Rev. Professor Ian Pit-Watson 

In addition to his study of theology, he was a Licenciate of the Royal Academy of Music, was co-founder of and sang with Edinburgh University Singers.

conductor, voice - basso

Concerts by Performer

Title Date Venue Professor
Edinburgh University Musical Society Orchestral Concert Wednesday, January 21, 1948 Pollock (Memorial) Hall Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, November 11, 1948 Reid School of Music, Park Place (see also University Music Classroom) Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, January 20, 1949 Reid School of Music, Park Place (see also University Music Classroom) Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Edinburgh University Musical Society Concert Saturday, March 3, 1951 Pollock (Memorial) Hall Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Chamber Concert Thursday, February 28, 1952 Reid School of Music, Park Place (see also University Music Classroom) Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971