McPhee, George, 1941-

George McPhee was born in Glasgow and studied at the Royal Scottih Academy of Music and the University of Edinburgh where he was awarded the Donald Francis Tovey Prize.

Organist and master of the choristers at Paisley Abbey since 1963

British, Scottish

Concerts by Performer

Title Date Venue Professor
Edinburgh University Musical Society Concert Wednesday, February 27, 1963 Usher Hall Newman, Sidney T. M. 1906-1971
Reid Organ Recital Friday, February 19, 1971 McEwan Hall Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Organ Recital Friday, October 28, 1977 McEwan Hall Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Organ Recital Friday, December 12, 1980 McEwan Hall Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Organ Recital Friday, December 2, 1983 McEwan Hall Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Organ Recital Friday, October 24, 1986 McEwan Hall Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Organ Recital Friday, October 30, 1987 Reid Concert Hall with Ahrend organ Osborne, Nigel 1948-
Reid Organ Recital Friday, January 26, 1990 McEwan Hall