Isserlis, Steven, 1958-

In constant demand as a concerto soloist, recitalist and chamber musician, Steven Isserlis's engagements take him all around the globe.  As a teacher he has given courses in England, Ireland and Finland and master classes at the Eastman School of Music, the University of Northern Illinois and the Guildhall School of Music in London.


Concerts by Performer

Title Date Venue Professor
Reid Chamber Concert Thursday, November 27, 1980 Reid Concert Hall with Ahrend organ Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Lunch-hour Concert Tuesday, March 6, 1984 Reid Concert Hall with Ahrend organ Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Chamber Concert Sunday, December 6, 1987 Reid Concert Hall with Ahrend organ Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988