Busch, Adolf, 1891-1952

Busch-Serkin Trio - Adolf Busch, violin ; Hermann Busch, violoncello; Rudolf Serkin, piano

Busch-Serkin Duo - Adolf Busch, violin, Rudolf Serkin, piano; based in U.S. from 1939; performed together until 1951

On the day following the Reid concert on 13th December 1934, Adolf Busch and Fritz Busch were each awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor Music by the University of Edinburgh at a graduation ceremonial held in the Upper Library, Old college at 11 am on Friday 14th December 1934


Concerts by Performer

Title Date Venue Professor
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, March 9, 1933 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, October 26, 1933 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Reid Orchestral Concert Thursday, December 13, 1934 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940
Annual Reid Concert 1939 Thursday, February 9, 1939 Usher Hall Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 1875-1940