Bruce, Marjorie

Marjorie Bruce was a student of Jean Langlais in Paris between 1972 and 1974.  She attended his classes at the Schola Cantorum, acted as his guide on several foreign tours and remained in close touch with him until his death in May 1991.


Concerts by Performer

Title Date Venue Professor
Reid Organ Recital Friday, January 24, 1975 McEwan Hall Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Organ Recital Friday, November 19, 1976 McEwan Hall Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Organ Recital Friday, October 28, 1983 McEwan Hall Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988
Reid Organ Recital Friday, February 19, 1988 McEwan Hall Osborne, Nigel 1948-