Edinburgh Glee Union

The Edinburgh Glee Union gave their first concert in the Masonic Hall, Edinburgh on 11 February 1861.   The review in The Scotsman the next day was very encouraging and listed the names of the performers and the programme presented.

Founding members of the Edinburgh Glee Union were Messrs, Geoghegan, Smith, Bishop and Rutherford.
For their concert on 11 February, two days before the Reid Concert, they were joined by Miss Helen Kirk (contralto), Miss Hamilton (solo piano), M. Zoblinski (flute) and Mr Adam Hamilton (accompanist)

EDINBURGH GLEE UNION CONCERT. (1861, Feb 12). The Scotsman (1860-1920). Retrieved from http://connect.nls.uk/docview/488367439?accountid=12801

Concerts by Group/Ensemble

Title Date Venue Professor
Annual Reid Concert 1861 Wednesday, February 13, 1861 Donaldson, John, 1788-1865