University (EUCHMI) Chamber Concert
'The Proud Bassoon' - recital by William Waterhouse of bassoon music from the last 350 years.
Promoted by Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments.
In assocation with the exhibition 'The Proud Bassoon' presented in the Reid Concert Hall during the Edinburgh Festival period in August 1983.
William Waterhouse - bassoons
Elisabeth Ritchie - accompanist
1. Sonata Prima: second movement (1645) ... Giovanni Antonio Bertoli
Dulcien after Denner by Adler, arkneukirchen [1]
2. Bourrée from 'Tersichore' (1612) ... Michael Praetorius
Racket by J. Hanchet, Grays [2]
3. from Fantasia no. 7 (1638) ... Bartolomeo de Selma y Salaverde
Bassoon by T. Stanesby, London [5]
4. Largo and Hornpipe, from sonata no. 1 (1733) ... John Ernest Galliard
Bassoon by Stanesby Iunior, London [6]
5. Adagio & Spiritoso from sonata no. 3 (1733) ... John Ernest Galliard
Bassoon by R. Millhouse, Newar [7]
6. Bruit de Chasse (1766) ... Michel Corrette
Bassoon by Porthaux, Paris [10]
7. Andante from sonata in b flat, K.292 ... Mozart
Bassoon by Kirst, Potsdam [14]
8. Minuetto and Capriccio (1740) ... Mr Braun
Bassoon by Taubert, Vienne [16]
9. Serenata (c. 1850) ... Ferdinando Lickl
Tenoroon by Savary jeune, Paris [32]
10. The Elephant ... Camille Saint-Saëns
Contrabassoon by Heckel, Biebrich [35]
11. Morceau (1882) ... Jules Massenet
Bassoon by Buffet-Crampon, Paris [30]
12. Sarabande et Cortège (1942) ... Henri Dutilleux
Bassoon by Heckel, Biebrich
- Bertoli, Giovanni Antonio, active 1639-1645
- Praetorius, Michael 1571-1621
- Selma y Salaverde, Bartolomé de, 1585-c.1638
- Galliard, John Ernest, c.1680-1749
- Corrette, Michel, 1707-1795
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
- Braun, Jean Daniel, fl. 1728-1740.
- Lickl, Ägidius F. K. (Ägidius Ferdinand Karl), 1803-1864
- Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921
- Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912
- Dutilleux, Henri, 1916-2013
Performance Type:

A full description of the instruments and some of the items is given in the illustrated catalogue of the exhibition on sale at £3.
The numbers in square brackets in the above programme refer to the listing in Proud Bassoon catalogue.
A cassette recording of William Waterhouse introducing and playing these instruments is on sale, price £2.50
Some of the instruments used were from the Edinburgh University Collection of Musical Instruments and some belonged personally to William Waterhouse.