Reid Organ Recital

Friday, November 23, 1956
1.10 pm.
Session 1956-1957

Herrick Bunney - organ

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

1. Trio sonata no. 2 in C minor ... J. S. Bach
      Vivace; largo; allegro

2. Chorale preludes ... J. S. Bach
     Valet will ish dir geben
     Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott

3. Fantasia and fugue in G minor ... J. S. Bach

Instrument / Organ Specification: 
Single sheet
Programme Notes: 

There are no programme notes.

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Admission free.
Publicity and Reviews: 

Note that next week's recital, the last of the term, will be given by Dr Kenneth Barritt, Director of Studies, Royal Scottish Academy of Music. He will play the remaining two chorale preludes from "The Eighteen" by J. S. Bach.