Reid Orchestral Concert

Thursday, May 28, 1942
7.00 pm.
26th season, 12th concert



Sidney Newman - conductor
Dr John Fairbairn - leader of the orchestra
Louis Kentner - solo pianoforte

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

1. Overture, "The magic flute" ... Mozart

2. Pianoforte concerto in A minor (op. 54) ... Schumann

     Allegro affetuoso
     Intermezzo: andantino grazioso leading to
     Allegro vivace

3. Symphony in C major (K. 551) ... Mozart

       Allegro vivace
       Andante cantabile
       Menuetto: allegro
       Molto allegro


4. Suite from "the water music" ... Handel (arr. Harty)

       1. Allegro
       2. Air
       3. Bourrée
       4. Hornpipe
       5. Andante
       6. Allegro deciso

5. Pianoforte solos

       (a) Ballade in A flat ... Chopin
       (b) Triana ... Albeniz

6. Overture, "Die Meistersinger" ... Wagner

Performance Type:

4-page programme
Programme Notes: 

Programme notes by S.T.M.N. concerning items 1, 2, 3 and 4 only.

PDF icon 1942 28 May.pdf (2.08 MB)
Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Ticket prices: 1/6 to 5/-. Programme price: threepence
Publicity and Reviews: 

On page 1:
ARP notice: 'There is complete Air Raid accommodation in the basement of the Hall and the corridors. Shelters are also available at the West End (St John's Church) and in Rutland Square. In the event of an air raid an announcement will be made from the platform.'


Since there are only four ballades by Chopin and only one in A flat, the piece performed on this occasion must have the Ballade no. 4 in A flat major, op. 47.