Reid Orchestral Concert
Mr Maurice d'Oisly - solo vocalist
Miss M. G. Grierson - accompanist
Professor Donald Francis Tovey - conductor
1. Symphony in E flat [No. 103] ... Haydn
2. Aria, "Ah! how anxious" ("Il Seraglio") ... Mozart
Mr Maurice d'Oisly
3. A Faust Overture ... Wagner
4. Songs:
i. "Entendez-vous le carillon du verre," ... Old French, arr. by Frederic Austin
ii. "L'Adieu du Matin," ... Pessard
iii. "Sombrero," ... Chaminade
Mr Maurice d'Oisly
5. Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67 ... Beethoven
Performance Type:
Programme notes by D.F.T.
The words for all the songs are printed in the original language and in English.
The Reid Orchestral Concerts 1917-1918- Second season
The subscriptions for the series of six concerts will be:
Reserved area and front row of gallery, 25/- plus £3/- (Government tax) = £28/-
Reserved gallery and side seats, 18/- plus 2/6 (Government tax) = 20/6
Unreserved gallery and side seats, 10/6 plus 1/6 (Government tax) = 12/-
Unreserved under gallery, 6/6 plus 1/- (Government tax) = 7/6
Last year's subscribers will have the option of retaking their seats up to Monday, November 12th. New subscribers should make immediate application. Orders for seats by post will be immediately attended to, and seats selected in the best available positions. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Tickets for single concerts will be on sale on Saturday, 24th November.
Tickets available from Messrs Paterson & Sons, 27 George Street, Edinburgh. Telegrams "Music, Edinburgh", Telephone Central 97
At the end of the programme notes is notice that:
On Wednesday, January 16th, 1918, at 4.30 pm in the Music Class Room, Professor Tovey will give a free public lecture on THE INSTRUMENTS, GROUPS AND PROBLEMS OF THE ORCHESTRA, being the fifth of his course of eight fortnightly lectures on subjects suggested by programmes of the historical concerts and of the Reid orchestra.
An advertisement for the Kirkhope Choir Magazine, 'An Anthology of Pure Polyphony', edited on new methods by D.F.Tovey, No. I, available from Paterson & Sons, 27 George St.
The rhythm of 16th-century music has been rendered quite unintelligible to modern readers and singers by the system of regular barring in modern scores. The publications of The Kirkhope Choir Magazine present the scores of 16th-century masterpieces sung by the choir at the concerts of the Reid Orchestra, and a system of barring is adopted which for the first time on record reveals the natural flow of the rhythm independently in each part.
Inside the back cover of the programme is listed the sketch programmes for the remainder of the series.