Reid Orchestral Concert

Thursday, March 11, 1937
8.00 pm.
74th session, 21st season, 8th concert



The Reid Choir (organist and chorus master, Dr Robert Head)
Miss Marie Thomson - soprano
Miss Mona Benson - alto
Mr Andrew Simpson - tenor
Sir Donald Tovey - conductor
Kenneth Anderson - leader of the orchestra

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

1. Overture to "Die Zauberflöte" ... Mozart

2. Aria from "La Clemenza di Tito" ... Mozart

3. (a) Two hymns (Lead, Kindly Light; He that is Down) ... D. F. Tovey
    (b) A Lyke-Wake Dirge ... D. F. Tovey

4. Symphonic variations for orchestra ... C. Hubert H. Parry


5. "Israel in Egypt" ... Handel

Orchestra/Chorus Listing: 

Performance Type:

56-page booklet
Programme Notes: 

By D.F.T.

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Season ticket (Special rate for Hon. members): Grand Tier £3 (£2.15/-); Area £2. 2/- (£1. 17/6) 18/-; Upper Tier 9/-; Single Ticket Rates from 1/6 to 5/9; Programme Price: one shilling
Publicity and Reviews: 

Programme booklet contains a "List of works performed by the Reid Symphony Orchestra (excluding solo and unaccompanied choral works)", together with an orchetral list of The Reid  Symphony Orchestra for the 1936-37 season: includes 15 first and 14 second violins; 10 violas; 7 cellos; and 6 basses.

Season 1936-37 Concert Agents:
Paterson, Sons & Co. Ltd., 27 George Street
Methven Simpson, Ltd., 83 Princes Street
Rae, Macintosh & Co. Ltd., 39 George Street
James Stephen, 59 Lothian Road
Townsend & Thomson, 79 George Street

Townsend & Thomson (music shop): 79 George Street, Edinburgh
Maitland Radio Limited
Alex Scott (wool shop)

David Macdonald Ltd., Edinburgh

The Twenty-first Season of The Reid Symphony Orchestra
On the completion of the Concerts for the Season 1936-37 - the Twenty-first in its history - the Reid Symphony Orchestra may be said to have come of age.
In view of the arrangements for Coronation Festivities it is proposed to celebrate this anniversary at the First Concert of the ensuing season.  Details will be announced in the Handbills and Prospectus issued in the course of the Summer and early Autumn.

This concert was broadcast live on BBC radio.