Reid Lunch-hour Concert

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
1.10 pm

Programme of works by Massenet, Hahn, Fauré, Barbara, Vavilov, Rubbra, Wolf, Butterworth, Schumann, Musgrave and Schubert performed by students from the Reid School of Music.



Sarah Gross - mezzo soprano
Yoann Mylonakis - piano

Sally Leung - soprano
Oliver Kember - baritone
Alison Scott - soprano
Ailsa Aitkenhead - piano


Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 


Sarah Gross (mezzo soprano)
Yoann Mylonakis (piano)

Ouvre tes yeux bleus (Open your blue eyes) ... Jules Massenet (1842-1912)
A Chloris (To Chloris) ... Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947)
Au bord de l'eau (At the water's edge) ... Gabriel Fauré (1845-1912)
Ce matin-là (That morning) ... 'Barbara' [Monique Andrée Serf] (1930-1997)


Sally Leung (soprano)
Ailsa Aitkenhead (piano)

Ave Maria ... Vladimir Fyodorovich Vavilov (1925-1973) arranged by Sally Leung
A Hymn to the Virgin ... Edmund Rubbra (1901-1986)
Gebet (Prayer) ... Hugo Wolf (1860-1903)


Oliver Kember (baritone)
Ailsa Aitkenhead) (piano)

Four Songs from 'A Shropshire Lad' ... George Butterworth (1885-1916)
 No. 1: Loveliest of Trees
 No. 2. When I Was One-And-Twenty
 No. 4. Think No More Lad
 No. 5. The Lads in Their Hundreds


Alison Scott (soprano)
Ailsa Aitkenhead (piano)

From 'A Suite O'Barinsangs' ... Thea Musgrave (b. 1928)
  The Man-in-the-Mune (the man in the moon)
  Daffins (Daffodils)
  A Barin's prayer at nicht (A child's prayer at night)
Du bist die Ruh (You are the calm ... Franz Schubert


Performance Type:

4-page white A4 folded (with purple printed header)
Programme Notes: 

No programme notes.
Texts with translations are provided for all the vocal items. 
Biographies of all the performers.

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Admission free
Reid School of Music