Reid Lunch-hour Concert
'Verdi on the piano - teatro, teatralità e virtuosismo'
Orazio Sciortino - piano
Salve Maria de Jerusalem da 'I Lombardi alla prima crociata' ... Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) arranged Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
(Hail Mary of Jerusalem from 'I Lombardi alla prima crociata')
Parafrasi dall'opera 'Ernani' ... Verdi/Liszt
(paraphrase from the opera 'Ernani')
Miserere dal 'Trovatore' ... Verdi/Liszt
(Miserere from 'Il Trovatore')
Coro di Festa e Marcia funebre dal 'Don Carlos' ... Verdi/Liszt
(chorus of festal and funeral march from 'Don Carlos')
Danza sacra e duetto finale dall' 'Aida' ... Verdi/Liszt
(Sacred dance and the final duet from 'Aida')
Parafrasi sul 'Rigoletto' ... Verdi/Liszt
(paraphrase on 'Rigoletto'
Performance Type:
No programme notes
Orazio Sciortino will give a free pre-concert talk at 12 noon to 12.30 pm
'Verdi on the piano - theatre, theatricality and virtuosity'
Forthcoming concerts listed at the end of the printed programme