Reid Lunch-hour Concert
Perduta ho la pace
Canti d'amore e di follia dal giovane Verdi ai contemporanei
(Songs of love and madness from the young Verdi until today)
Duo Alterno
Tiziana Scandaletti - soprano
Riccardo Piacentini - piano
Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)
La conocchia (The drop spindle)
Me voglio fà 'na casa; 'Amor marinaro' (Sailor's love)
Lu trademiento (The treachery)
Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924)
Piccolo valzer
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)
from 'Sei Romanze'
Non t'accostare all'urna (Do not approach the urn)
text by Jacopo Vittorelli
Nell'orror di notte oscura (In the horror of a dark night)
text by Carlo Angiolini
La seduzione (The seduction)
text by Luigi Balestra
Riccardo Piacentini (b. 1958)
Rataplànplanplan - for piano and 'fot-suoini'
recorded in California, Hong Kong and Italy
freely inspired by 'La forza del destino' by
Giuseppe Verdi
Luciano Berio (1925-2003)
Four Popular Songs
Dolce cominciamento (Sweet beginning
La donne ideale (The ideal woman)
Avendo gran disio (Having great desire)
text by Jacopo da Lentini
Il ballo (Dance)
Performance Type:
No programme notes. Texts with translations provided for all the vocal items.