Reid Lunch-hour Concert
Broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 (90-93FM) as part of 'The Spirit of Schubert Season'
The concert will last approximately 70 minutes and will have no interval
James Gilchrist - tenor
Anna Tilbrook - piano
Die Schöne Müllerin ... Schubert (1797-1828)
Das Wandern (Wandering)
Wohin? (Where to?)
Halt! (Stop!)
Danksagung an den Bach (Giving thanks to the Brook)
Am Feierabend (On the Restful Evening)
Der Neugierige (Curiosity)
Ungeduld (Impatience)
Morgengruß (Morning Greetings)
Des Müllers Blumen (The Miller's Flowers)
Tränenregen (Rain of tears)
Mein! (Mine!)
Pause (Pause)
Mit dem grünen Lautenbande (With the Green Lute-Ribbon)
Der Jäger (The Hunter)
Eifersucht und Stolz (Jealously and Pride)
Die liebe Farbe (The Beloved Colour)
Die böse Farbe (The Hateful Colour)
Trockne Blumen (Dry Flowers)
Der Müller und der Bach (The Miller and the Brook)
Des Baches Wiegenlied (The Brook's Lullaby)
Performance Type:
No programme note on the work. Texts provided with translations by Emily Ezust.
Biographies of the two artists.
Brief note by Lindsay Pell, Senior Producer, Radio 3:
With 200 hours of broadcasting and more than a thousand performances, over eight and a half days, BBC 3 presents the biggest ever celebration of Schubert, his music and his life. Including performances of all his completed music and unique broadcasts of his unfinished works, Radio 3 devotes its entire schedule to one of the greatest ever composers, Schubert, in the 125th anniversary year of his birth. When he died at the age of 31 in 1828, he left a vast body of work, and with live daily performances across the UK, specially commissioned completion of his musi and unprecedented analysis of the man behind the music, now, for the first time on this scale, BBC 3 will unravel the spirit of this prolific composer.
Advance notices reminded the audience of the earlier starting time of 1.00 pm and stated 'As this will be a live broadcast in collaboration with BBC Radio 3, the audience must be seated by 12.45 pm'.
This concert was advertised as featuring Ben Johnson - tenor and James Baillieu - piano.
Note in the programme: We would like to thank James Gilchrist and Anna Tilbrook for stepping in to perform in today's lunchtime concert at such short notice.