Reid Lunch-hour Concert
Celebration of the Robert Burns bicentenary with settings of Burns poems by Schumann, Franz, Beamish and Francis George Scott
Irene Drummond - soprano
Graeme McNaught - piano
Eight songs from "Myrthen", op. 25 ... Schumann (1810-1856)
Die Hochländer Witwe / The Highland Widow's Lament
Weit Weit / The Bonny Lad That's Far Away
Niemand / Naebody
Im Westen / In the West
Jemand / For the Sake o'Somebody
Hochländer Abschied / My Heart's in the Highlands
Hochländisches Wiegenlied / Hee Balou
Hauptmanns Weib / The Captain's Lady
Ae Fond Kiss (world premiere) ... Sally Beamish (b. 1956)
Two Settings of Burns ... Robert Franz (1815-1892)
Ihr Hügel Dort am Schönen Doon/Ye Banks and Braes
Mein Lieb ist eine Rothe Ros'/My love is Like a Red Red Rose
Performance Type:
Programme notes unattributed.
Short biographies of the performers.