Reid Lunch-hour Concert

Thursday, November 27, 1986
1.10 pm

Concert by students of the Faculty of Music


Allardyce Mallon - piano
Martin Eastwood - tenor
Jo Laming - piano
Helen Tughan - clarinet
Christopher Hoban - cello
Michael Wright - piano

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 


Sonata no. 59 in E flat major Hob. XVI/49 ... Haydn
  Adagio e cantabile
  Finale: Tempo di Minuet

Allardyce Mallon - piano

Auf ein altes Bild ... Wolf (Eduard Morike)
Dein Blaues Auge, op. 59, no. 8 ... Brahms (Klaus Groth)
Seufzer ... Wolf (from Crux fidelis)

Martin Eastwood - tenor
Jo Laming - piano

Clarinet Trio (first movement) ... Brahms

Helen Tughan - clarinet
Christopher Hoban - cello
Michael Wright - piano 

Performance Type:

Single sheet A4 blue
Programme Notes: 

No programme notes

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Admission free
[Reid] Professor: 
Faculty of Music

Forthcoming concerts listed at the end of the printed programme.
Special note: On Tuesday 2 December at 11.30 am in the Faculty of Music, Alison House, 12 Nicolson Square, in advance of the lunch-hour concert John McLeod will talk about his 'String Quartet 1986' - the talk will be illustrated by the Edinburgh Quartet.  All welcome.
Note: The harpsichord recital by Peter Williams advertised as taking place on Tuesday 9 December will now be given on Thursday 4 December