Reid Lunch-hour Concert
Students of the Faculty of Music.
Living room music (1940) ... John Cage
1. To begin
2. Story (Once upon a time the world was round and you could go on it around and around)
3. Melody
4. End
Peformers: Paul Harrison, Murray Campbell, Han-earl Park, Peter O'Doherty
From 'Chants D'Auvergne ... Marie-Joseph Canteloube de Malaret (1879-1957)
Là-haut, sur le rocher
Malurous qu'o uno Fenno
¿Con qué la lavaré?
¿De dónde venís, amore? ... Joaquin Rodrigo (b. 1901)
The Little Horses
Ching-a-ring-chaw ... Aaron Copland
Denis Palfreeman - soprano
Colin Kingsley - piano
Sextet (1937) ... Copland
Allegro Vivace
Lento - Piu Mosso
Rosanna Yeatman - first violin
Katy Dent - second violin
Aidan Burke - viola
Clea Friend - violoncello
Cathy Hirshmann - clarinet
Paul Harrison - piano
Edward Harper - director
Performance Type:
Short programme notes by the performers.
Immediately after today's recital members of the audience are invited to stay for the Composition Workshop.
Forthcoming concerts listed at the end of the printed programme.