Reid Historical Concert
A series of eight historical concerts was given in the season 1939-40.
John Fairbairn - violin
Ruth Waddell - violoncello
Mary Grierson - pianoforte
1. Pianoforte Trio in G major, K.564 ... Mozart
2. Pianoforte Trio in F minor, op. 65 ... Dvorák
Allegro ma non troppo
Allegretto grazioso
Poco Adagio
Allegro con brio
3. Pianoforte Trio in B flat major, op. 97 ... Beethoven
Allegro moderato
Allegro (Scherzo)
Andante cantabile, leading to
Allegro moderato
Performance Type:
No programme notes, movement titles only

The programme noted "Two more concerts of this series will be given on dates to be announced later:
Seventh Concert - Strings of the Reid Symphony Orchestra
Eighth Concert - Pianoforte recital - Dr Mary Grierson
A concert will be given by members of the interpretation Class, on Tuesday 19th March, at 5.30 pm in the
University Music Class Room, Park Place. No Tickets are required, but members of the public are invited to attend"