Reid Chamber Concert

Friday, April 25, 1941
7.15 pm.
1940-41 season, 10th concert

Ronald Kinloch Anderson - pianoforte

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

1. Two sonatas, no. 3 Prelude, allegro ... Arne

                         no. 6 Affettuoso, gigue ... Arne

2. Variations on a theme by Handel ... Brahms

3. (a) Impromptu in A flat, op. 142, no. 2 ... Schubert

    (b) Eight Ländler ... Schubert

    (c) Impromptu in A flat, op. 90, no. 4 ... Schubert

4. (a) Nocturne in C minor, op. 48, no. 1 ... Chopin

    (b) Fantasie in F minor, op. 49 ... Chopin

Single sheet programme
Programme Notes: 

There are no programme notes.

Publicity and Reviews: 

At foot of sheet: advert for the 11th concert of the series (two-piano recital by Grace Johnston and Mary Grierson).


Although the year is not recorded on the programme, this has been determined by linking the day of the week with the date and month.