Reid Chamber Concert
in conjunction with the Edinburgh Bach Society
R. C. Howells - solo organist
Frank Brady - bass soloist
Anna MacDonald - soloist
John Tainsh - soloist
Grisell Lindsay - soloist
Dr Mary Grierson - conductor
Edinburgh Bach Society's Choir
and members of the
Reid Symphony Orchestra
1. Prelude to cantata, no. 49, "Ich geh' und suche mit verlangen" ... Bach
Solo Organist - R.C. Howells, Mus.Bac
2. David's lament for Absalom (Symphoniae sacrae, no. 13) ... Schütz
(for four trombones, Continuo and Bass Voice)
Singer - Frank Brady
For four trombones, continuo and bass voice
3. "Requiem" ... Mozart
Soloists: Anna MacDonald
Grisell Lindsay
John Tainsh
Frank Brady
Performance Type:
There are no programme notes but the full text of the Requiem is provided in Latin and English.
Although the year is not recorded on the programme, this has been determined by linking the day of the week with the date and month.