Reid Chamber Concert

Saturday, February 8, 1941
2.30 pm.
1940-41 season, 6th concert

in conjunction with the Edinburgh Bach Society


R. C. Howells - solo organist
Frank Brady - bass soloist
Anna MacDonald - soloist
John Tainsh - soloist
Grisell Lindsay - soloist
Dr Mary Grierson - conductor
Edinburgh Bach Society's Choir
and members of the
Reid Symphony Orchestra

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

1. Prelude to cantata, no. 49, "Ich geh' und suche mit verlangen" ... Bach
     Solo Organist - R.C. Howells, Mus.Bac

2. David's lament for Absalom (Symphoniae sacrae, no. 13) ... Schütz
     (for four trombones, Continuo and Bass Voice)
     Singer - Frank Brady

      For four trombones, continuo and bass voice

3. "Requiem" ... Mozart
      Soloists:  Anna MacDonald
                     Grisell Lindsay
                     John Tainsh
                     Frank Brady

4-page programme
Programme Notes: 

There are no programme notes but the full text of the Requiem is provided in Latin and English.

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Programme price: threepence

Although the year is not recorded on the programme, this has been determined by linking the day of the week with the date and month.