Reid Chamber Concert
A celebration of the 400th anniversary of the birth of Orlando Gibbons
Edinburgh University Madrigal Group
Michael Turnbull - director
William Jones - countertenor
Keith Wright - organ
Philippe Fritsch - organ/harpsichord
Programme of music by Orlando Gibbons
Hosanna to the Son of David
O Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not
Fantasia of four parts
This is the record of John
Great King of Gods
The silver swan
What is our life?
Fantasia [Musica Britannica XX, no. 11]
Pavan [MB no 17]
The Italian Ground
How art thou thralled?
Do not repine, fair sun
Performance Type:
No programme notes

This concert was previously advertised as taking place in the Reid Concert Hall
Forthcoming concerts listed at the end of the printed programme