Reid Chamber Concert
'The Lovely Maid of the Mill'
The Edinburgh Quartet
Miles Baster -violin
Peter Markham - violin
Michael Beeston - viola
Christopher Gough - violoncello
Paul Hindmarsh - tenor
Jack Keaney - piano
Three Songs
Mich fliehen ale Freuden ['La Molinara'] ... Paisiello
Vogelgesang vor der Müllerin Fenster: Tirili eia der Mai is da! ... Berger
I heard a brooklet gushing ... Loder
String Quartet no. 7 in D 'Die schöne Müllerin', op. 192, no. 2 ... Raff
Der Jüngling (Allegretto)
Die Mühle (Allegro)
Die Müllerin (Andante, quasi Allegretto)
Unruhe (Allegro)
Erklärung (Andantino, quasi Allegretto)
Zum Polterahend (Vivace)
(during the interval the University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments will be open to members of the audience)
Song Cycle: Die schöne Müllerin ... Schubert
Das Wandern (Wandering)
Wohin? (Where to?)
Halt! (Stop!)
Danksagung an den Bach (Giving thanks to the Brook)
Am Feierabend (On the Restful Evening)
Der Neugierige (Curiosity)
Ungeduld (Impatience)
Morgengruß (Morning Greetings)
Des Müllers Blumen (The Miller's Flowers)
Tränenregen (Rain of tears)
Mein! (Mine!)
Pause (Pause)
Mit dem grünen Lautenbande (With the Green Lute-Ribbon)
Der Jäger (The Hunter)
Eifersucht und Stolz (Jealously and Pride)
Die liebe Farbe (The Beloved Colour)
Die böse Farbe (The Hateful Colour)
Trockne Blumen (Dry Flowers)
Der Müller und der Bach (The Miller and the Brook)
Des Baches Wiegenlied (The Brook's Lullaby)
Performance Type:
Programme notes by Michael Tilmouth

At the end of the programme was printed a note:
The Reid Concerts 1982-83
The severe cutback in University funding means that the Faculty of Music will not be able to maintain the pattern of regular Thursday evening concerts, during term-time, in the session 1982-83. As many of you will know, we are regrettably no longer in a position to continue our sponsorship of the Edinburgh Quartet. The Quartet will, however, still perform in the more limited series of events which will be promoted next session. This will include a number of lunch-hour concerts. Full details will be given in the brochure to be published as usual in September. MT (Michael Tilmouth, Dean, Faculty of Music)