Reid Chamber Concert
Clifford Hughes - tenor
Margaret Evans - piano
Four songs ... Purcell
Music for a while
If muic be the food of love
What shall I do to show how much I love her?
'Twas within a furlong of Edinburgh toun
Extinguish my eyes ... Bernstein
When my soul touches yours ... Bernstein
(Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke)
Le Clocher Chante (poem by Rainer Maria Rilke) ... Barber
Sure on this shining night
Solitary Hotel
Five Chinese Lyrics ... Arthur Oldham
Under the pondweed
The Herd Boy's Song
The Pedlar of Spells
A Gentle Wind
Wonders of the World ... John McLeod
Journey Blessing
The New Moon
The Voice of thunder
He who was Crucified
Performance Type:
Programme notes only concerning the 'Wonders of the World' signed J.McL. (John McLeod).
Advert for next concert on Thursday 24 January at the foot of p.3.