Reid Chamber Concert

Thursday, March 9, 1972
7.30 pm.
Session 1971-1972

Herrick Bunney - director
Richard Thomas - horn
Leon Coates - piano

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

Missa Ave Maria ... Antoine de Févin
    Kyrie eleison
    Gloria in excelsis

La déploration de Johan. Okeghem ... Josquin des Prés

Frottala El grillo ... Josquin des Prés

Sonata in F for horn and piano, op. 17 ... Beethoven
     Allegro moderato
     Poco adagio, quasi andante
     Rondo, allegro moderato

Choral dances from Gloriana ... Britten
     Time: Concord: Time and Concord: Country girls:
     Rustics and Fishermen: Final Dance of Homage


Four madrigals by Sir Thomas Wyatt ... Thea Musgrave
     With serving still
     Tanglid I was in love's snare
     At most mischief
     Hate whom ye list

Sonata for horn and piano ... Hindemith
     Mässig bewegt : Ruhig bewegt :
     Lebhaft - langsam - lebhaft

Trois chansons de Charles d'Orléans ... Debussy
     Dieu! qu'il la fait bon regarder
     Quant j'ai ouy le tabourin sonner
     Yver, vous n'estes qu'un villain

Single green A4 sheet, printed on both sides, folded in half
Programme Notes: 

Programme notes by MT (Michael Tilmouth) and LC (Leon Coates).

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Admission free.
Publicity and Reviews: 

Advert for next concert on Thursday 27 April at the end of the programme sheet.

[Reid] Professor: