Professor Tovey's Sunday Concert

Sunday, December 18, 1932
8.15 pm.
1932-1933, 11th concert



Stewart Deas - conductor

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

1. Overture, "Coriolanus" ... Beethoven

2. Symphony in C major, K. 425 ... Mozart
    Adagio leading to Allegro spirito
    Poco adagio

3. Concerto grosso, op. 38 ... Hindemith
     1. Mit Kraft, mäßig schnelle Viertel, ohne Pathos und stets lebendig
     2. Sehr schnelle Halbe
     3. Marsch für Holzbläser: Nicht zu langsame Viertel
     4. Basso ostinato: Schnelle Viertel

4. Siegfrie Idyll ... Wagner

5. Overture, "The Magic Flute" ... Mozart

8-page programme
Programme Notes: 

There are no programme notes.

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Programme Price: threepence
Publicity and Reviews: 

There are the following adverts:

P.2 - opticians, Prescott
P.3 - bookseller, R. Grant & Son
PP.4-5 - Sunday concert on 8 January
P.6 - musical instrument dealer, Thomas G. Hall
P.7 - Reid symphony orchestra concert (without programme) on Thursday 9 February; subscription tickets for season, from £3 to 9s; single tickets from 1/3 upwards. Prospectus and all information from: Paterson, Sons & Co. Ltd; R. W. Pentland; Townsend & Thomson; Thomas G. Hall
P.8 - piano and music sellers, Methven Simpson Ltd

Not recorded