
Monday, March 21, 1892

A course of four lectures on the early developments of the forms of instrumental music.
III. Instrumental music in connection with the drama (i.e. Opera and Oratorio), with special reference to the Overture, chiefly in the 17th century.

Instrumental music in the Miracle Plays and other early dramatic attempts - The "Ballet Comique de la Reine" - the orchestral instruments of that tiime - A few words about instrumental music in churches - The importance o the latter part of the 16th and the early part of the 17th century in the history of Music - The first musical dramas by Cavalieri, Peri, Caccini and Monteverde - The works of Landi, Cesti, Cavalli, Lully and Alessandro Scarlatti.


Madame Agnes Hamilton - violin
Mr James Winram - violin
Mr F. Laubach - viola
Mr A Scott Jupp - viola
Mr Alfred Gallrein - violoncello

Professor Frederick Niecks

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 


1.  "Le son du premier ballet," in five parts, from Baltasar Beaujoyeux's (Baltazarini) "Ballet comique de la Royne" (1581)

2.  Ritornelli and Symphonies from Jacopo Peri's "Euridice" (1600), Monteverde's "Orfeo" (1606), Marc' Antonio Cesti's "La Dori" (1663)

3.  (a) The introductory Toccata of Monteverde's "Orfeo" (1607). (b) Sinfonia per introduttione del Prologo of Steffano Landi's "Sant' Alessio" (1634).  (c) Introductory Sinfonia of Francesco Cavalli's "Giasone" (1649).  (d) Ouverture to Jean Baptiste Lully's "Armide" (1686).  (e) Introductory Sinfonia of Alessandro Scarlatti's "La Rosaura" (about 1690)

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