Historical Concert
A Liszt pianoforte recital, illustrative of the different classes of the master's music for pianoforte solo.
Mr Paul della Torre - performer
Franz Liszt
(1) Sonata in B minor.
(2) "Au Lac de Wallenstadt", no. 2 of the first year of the "Annés de Pélerinage".
(3) Quasi adagio and andantino, nos. 4 and 5, of the "Consolations".
(4) Transcriptions of Schubert's "Frühlingsglaube" and "Wohin".
(5) "St François d'Assise: La prédication aux oiseaux". Légende.
(6) Ave maria in E major.
(7) Transcription from Verdi's opera "Aïda".
(8) Valse impromptu.
(9) Etude de concert in D flat major.
(10) Liebestraum no. 3.
(11) Rhapsodie hongroise, no. 12.
Performance Type:
The introduction to the programme consists of a 2½ page essay (pp.3-5) concerning the piano music of Liszt.

On the inside back page - dates and programmes of the four historical concerts for the 1903-1904 season.