Historical Concert

Wednesday, December 3, 1913
1913-1914, Concert II of IV

Vocal quartet and pianoforte recital.


Miss Beatrice Spencer - soprano
Miss Florence Oliver - contralto
Mr Louis Godfrey - tenor
Mr A. Foxton Ferguson - bass
Mrs Caird - pianoforte

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

I. Madrigals

1. "In going to my lonely bed" ... Richard Edwards

2. Pavane: "I loved a lass" ... anonymous (16th century)

3. "O let me look on thee again" ... Orlando Lasso

4. "April is in my mistress' face" ... Thomas Morley

5. "To take the air a bonny lass was walking" ... John Farmer


II. Cycles of song for four and fewer voices with pianoforte accompaniment; an unaccompanied part-song; and pianoforte solos

1. Minnespiel, cycle for one voice and more, with pianoforte accompaniment, op. 101 ... Robert Schumann

2. Romanze for pianoforte, op. 28, no. 2, F sharp major ... Robert Schumann

3. Rhapsody for pianoforte, op. 79, no. 1, B minor ... Johannes Brahms

4. "Fahr'wohl", unaccompanied vocal quartet, op. 93a, no. 4 ... Johannes Brahms

5. Zigeunerlieder for four voices, op. 103 ... Johannes Brahms


III. Folk-songs arranged for unaccompanied quartet

1. Sandmännchen (the dustman) ... arr. J. J. Maier

2. Wiegenlied (cradle song) ... Brahms, arr. anon.

3. Das Sternlein (the little star) ... arr Max Reger

4. Vergebens (in vain) ... arr. Max Reger

5. Trutze nicht (defy not) ... arr. Max Reger


8-page booklet
Programme Notes: 

The introduction to the programme consists of a 1¼ page essay (pp.3-4) on song cycles.

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Fee for series: 10/6
Publicity and Reviews: 

On the outside back page - dates and programmes of the four historical concerts for the 1913-1914 season.