Historical Concert

Wednesday, December 19, 1900
1900-1901, Concert II of IV

A melodramatic recital, interspersed with some violoncello music.


Mrs Tobias Matthay (Jessie Kennedy) - reciter
Mr Cuthbert Whitemore (accompanist of the recitations) - pianist
Mr David Millar Craig - violoncellist
Mr A. Scott Jupp (accompanist of the violoncello music) - pianist

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

1. Ariadne in Naxos ... Georg Benda

2. Adagio for violoncello from the concerto in D major ... Joseph Haydn

3. Manfred ... Robert Schumann
(a) Calling of the Witch of the Alps
(b) Invocation of Astarte
(c) Manfred's address to Astarte

4. The Fugitives, op. 122 ... Robert Schumann

5. Leonore ... Franz Liszt

6. Bergliot, op. 42 ... Edvard Hagerup Grieg

7. Two pieces for violoncello ... Julius Klengel
(a) Intermezzo
(b) Mazurka

8. Enoch Arden ... Richard Strauss

9. Queen Mab ... A. C. Mackenzie

6-page booklet
Programme Notes: 

Two-page essay (pp.2-3) entitled 'preface to the programme' exploring the use of melodrama in music.
This preface is reproduced in Musical Times & Singing Class Circular, Vol. 42, No. 696 (Feb. 1, 1901) pp. 96-97

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Fee for series: 10/6
Publicity and Reviews: 

On the inside back page - dates and programmes of the four historical concerts.


The recitations were given by Mrs Tobias Matthay (Jessie Kennedy), Mr Cuthbert Whitemore accompanying her on the pianoforte.  These were interspersed with some violoncello pieces played by Mr David Millar Craig, accompanied by Mr A. Scott Jupp.  The music students at Edinburgh University are to be congratulated on their Professor and the excellent fare he provides for their delectation.   The Musical Times, February 1, 1901