Edinburgh University Musical Society Orchestral Concert

Wednesday, January 21, 1948
7.30 pm.
1947-48 season

EUMS Choir and Orchestra
Dr John Fairbairn - leader of the orchestra
Professor Sidney Newman - conductor
Miss Isabel Dall - soloist
Mr Tom Jardine - soloist
Mr Ian Pitt Watson - soloist

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

The Seasons - Josef Haydn

Single sheet programme
Programme Notes: 

There are no programme notes.

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Ticket prices: 5/- and 2/6
Publicity and Reviews: 

Note on the publicity leaflet:

We cordially invite the support of the University Teaching Staff for this concert.  This work was last performed in Edinburgh some years before the war by Sir Donald Tovey.  It is an enterprise of some magnitude involving not inconsiderable expense with regard to the orchestra required.  During recent years the Society's choir has performed several major works in collaboration with the Reid Choir at the Reic Concerts.  The forthcoming concert, however, is the Society's own undertaking and we feel that the Society may take some pride in the fact that on this occasion two of its members are appearing as solo artists.
May we ask you also to make mention of this concert to your friends?
V.F. Morrison Dorward: President
Sidney Newman: Hon. Conductor