Edinburgh University Musical Society Concert

Wednesday, March 2, 1960
7.30 pm.
1959-60 season, 8th concert



Edinburgh University Musical Society Choir
The University Singers
Cranley School Choir

The Reid Orchestra
Dr John Fairbairn - leader of the orchestra
Sidney Newman - conductor

John Carol Case - baritone soloist
James Miller - tenor soloist
Herrick Bunney - director, The University Singers
Patricia Lines - conductor, Cranley School Choir

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

1. Tragic overture (op. 81) ... Brahms

     Allegro non troppo, leading to
     Molto piu moderato, leading to
     Tempo primo

2. Symphony in B minor ("Unfinished") ... Schubert

     Allegro moderato
     Andante con moto

3. Five mystical songs ... Vaughan Williams

      (1) Easter - "Rise heart; thy Lord is risen"
      (2) "I got me flowers to strew the way"
      (3) "Love bid me welcome"
      (4) The call - "come, my way, my truth, my life"
      (5) Antiphon - "Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King"


4. Oratorio: "Sancta Civitas" (the Holy City) ... Vaughan Williams

4-page programme
Programme Notes: 

Programme notes by S.T.M.N.

PDF icon 1960 2 Mar.pdf (1.71 MB)
Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Ticket prices: 7/6, 6/-, 4/6 (reserved seats); 3/- (unreserved seats). Programme price: sixpence