Edinburgh Orchestral Festival: Reid Concert 1874
The Thirty-fourth Reid Concert - the ninth given by the fifth Professor - having commenced with a specimen of art "in order," as General Reid expresses it, "to shew the taste of music" in Scotland about the middle of the last century, thus concludes with specimens of compositions produced about the middle of the present century.
Principal Artistes
Madame Otto Alvsleben - soprano
Madlle. Enrquez - contralto
Madame Norman-Neruda - violin
Mr Charles Hallé - soloist pianist and conductor
The Halle Orchestra
Mr C.A.Seymour and Herr L. Straus - first violins, principals
Part I
Introduction, Pastorale, Minuet and March ... General Reid
Overture, Zauberflöte ... Mozart
Aria, "Gli angui d'inferno, (Zauberflöte) ... Mozart
Madame Otto Alvsleben
Concerto No.4 in G major, Op.58 ... Beethoven
pianoforte, Mr Charles Hallé
Aria, "Cangio d'aspetto" (Admeto, 1737) ... Handel
Grand Symphony No.3 in A minor, Op.56, "The Scotch," ... Mendelssohn
Part II
Suite for Orchestra in D major ... Bach
The Violin solos in the Vivace and Air, by Herr Straus
Aria, "Und ob die Wolke" (Freischutz) ... Weber
Madame Alvsleben
Romance, in F, for Violin and Orchestra, Op.50 ... Beethoven
Madam Norman-Neruda
Pianoforte solos,
(a) Romance in F sharp (Op.21 No.2 ) ... H.S. Oakeley
(b) Polonaise in A Op. 40, No.1 ... Chopin
Mr C Hallé
Romanza, "When all was young" (Faust) ... Gounod
Siebel, Madlle. Enriquez
Violoncello Obligato, M. Vieuxtemps
Concert overture, in A major, Op.7 ... J.Rietz
(First time in Scotland)
- Reid, John, 1722-1807
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
- Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
- Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847
- Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
- Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
- Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, 1830-1903
- Chopin, Frédéric, 1810-1849
- Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893
- Rietz, Julius, 1812-1877
Performance Type:
Programme notes by H.S.O. Programme cover was crimson. This was perhaps in allusion to the recent royal wedding - red being the wedding colour in Russia.

Review: The Times, Feb 17, 1874; pg. 10 Issue 27928 - Edinburgh Orchestral Festival, The Reid Concert ...
Review in 'The Edinburgh Courant', 15 February 1874.
The founder of the Chair of Music and of these Concerts, by enabling fresh generations of his countrymen to enjoy old and new treasures of music, has indeed done much for the Art he loved so well, and has carried out, perhaps in the most effectual manner, the wish he expressed to keep his memory in remembrance; for not only in Great Britain, but in some of the more musical portions of the continent, is the name now famous of the "REID" concert. H.S.O.