Bach at St Cecilia's Hall 1980

Tuesday, June 10, 1980
8 pm

Seventh in a series of seven concerts entitled 'Bach at St Cecilia's Hall' given mostly at St Cecilia's Hall in the summer of 1980.

A Jazz Invention



The Raymond Monelle Trio
Raymond Monelle - piano
Francis Cowan - bass
Andrew Shivas - drums
Sylvia Campbell - soprano

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

Bach in jazz style (this year the preludes and fugues of Das wohltemperirte Clavier are featured), original jazz numbers, modern cabaret songs, these are the ingedients of "A Jazz Invention": an annual Jazzclavierübung.

No further programme details available.

Programme Notes: 

No programme notes.

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Tickets £1.20 (season ticket £6 for six concerts), Student tickets 60p, on sale at the Edinburgh Bookshop, George Street
Publicity and Reviews: 

Poster on red paper giving outline details of each of the seven concerts

[Reid] Professor: