Bach at St Cecilia's Hall 1980

Saturday, May 31, 1980
8 pm

Fourth in a series of seven concerts entitled 'Bach at St Cecilia's Hall' given mostly at St Cecilia's Hall in the summer of 1980.

VI Sonate a Violono solo e Violone o Cimbalo da Arcangelo Corelli.  Opera Quinta (1700 - Op. V, nos 1-6)
Preudii, Allemande, Correnti, Gighe, Sarabande, Gavotte, e Rollia a Violono solo e Violone o Cimbalo da Arcangelo Corelli.  Opera Quinta (1700- Op. V, nos. 7-12)


Lucy van Dael - baroque violin
Peter Williams - organ, harpsichord

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

Arcangelo Corelli

Sonata No. 1 in D major
  Allegro (fuga)

Sonata No. 7 in D minor
  Preludio (Vivace)
  Corrente (Allegro)
  Sarabanda (Largo)
  Giga (Allegro)

Sonata No. 2 in B flat major
  Allegro (Fuga)


Sonata No. 8 in E minor
  Preludio (Largo)
  Allemanda (Allegro)
  Sarabanda (Largo)
  Giga (Allegro)

Sonata No. 3 in C major
  Allegro (Fuga)

Sonata No. 9 in A major
  Preludio (Largo)
  Giga (Allegro
  Tempo di Gavotta (Allegro)

8-page booklet on salmon paper
Programme Notes: 

No programme notes.


Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Tickets £1.20 (season ticket £6 for six concerts), Student tickets 60p, on sale at the Edinburgh Bookshop, George Street
Publicity and Reviews: 

Poster on red paper giving outline details of all seven concerts

[Reid] Professor: 
Summerhall Press, Edinburgh

This complete performance of Corelli's Violin sonatas has been prepared fom the first print of 1700 and is thought to be a premiere in this form.
Information on the Italian instruments and the pitch used will be given at the concerts (31 May and 1 June 1980)

A lecture will be given by Michael Tilmouth on the Violin Sonatas of Corelli, at 7 pm in the Laigh Room.  Admission free.
Refreshments in the Laigh Room after the talk, tickets £1.20.

Presented by the Faculty of Music University of Edinburgh with financial assistance from the Scottish Arts Council.
Interval refreshments by kind assistance of the Friends of St Cecilia's Hall.
Harpsichord restoration by John Barnes and Grant O'Brien.