Bach 1984

Friday, June 8, 1984
8 pm
1984, sixth concert

Sixth in a series of seven concerts entitled 'Bach', given at St Cecilia's Hall and the Reid Concert Hall in the summer of 1984.


Nicholas Danby - organ

Work(s) / Composer(s) / Opus No(s): 

Music of J.S. Bach

Allabreve, BWV 589

Fugue in A minor, BWV 958

Trio 'Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr'
  (from Clavierubung III)

Chorale 'Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele', BWV 654
  (from 'The Eighteen'

Prelude & Fugue in E flat
  (from 'The 48' Book 2 - cf. fourth concert)


Fugue in B minor on a theme of Albinoni, BWV 951

Two-part inventions
  C major
  A minor
  D major

Prelude & Fugue in B minor, BWV 544


Instrument / Organ Specification: 
12-page salmon series booklet
Programme Notes: 

No programme notes.

Ticket and/or Programme Price(s): 
Tickets £2.50 (series [7 concerts] £11), Concessions £1.50 (series [7 concerts] £8.50
Publicity and Reviews: 

Dark pink poster giving outline details of each of the seven concert programmes

[Reid] Professor: 
Faculty of Music, University of Edinburgh

Ahrend organ maintenance by James A. MacKenzie.
The University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments will be open during the interval.