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[Reid] Professors of Music
General John Reid
City of Edinburgh (to 1911)
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Byrd, William, 1539 or 1540-1623
English composer
William Byrd
3 French Corantos MB 21 - excerpt(s) from
A fancy for my Ladye Nevell
A voluntary for my Lady Nevell
Anthem: "Ave verum corpus"
Anthem: "Justorum Animae"
Anthem: "Laudibus in sanctis Dominum"
Anthem: "O Lord, give thy holy spirit into our hearts"
Anthem: "O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth"
Anthem: "Praise our Lord"
Anthem: "Sing, joyfully"
Anthem: "This day Christ was born"
Benedictus (Chromhorne en taille) (1690)
Callino Casturame
Fantasia a 5 'Two parts in one the fourth above'
Fantasia for organ
Fantasia in A minor
Fantasia in C, (FWVB 25)
Fantasia in D minor
Fantasia in G
Fantasia in G major (Musica Brittanica xxviii) no. 62
Fantasia no. 2 in G minor for six viols
Fantasia Ut, Re Mi for two
Fantasia Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La (from My Lady Nevell's Book of Virginal Music)
Fantasia, (FWVB 52)
Galiardo Secundo
Galliard: "For Mrs Mary Brownlo"
La Volta
Madrigal: "Come to me grief for ever"
Madrigal: "Lulla lullaby"
Madrigal: "Lullaby, my sweet little baby"
Madrigal: "This sweet and merry month of May"
Madrigal: "Though Amaryllis dance in green"
Madrigal: "While the bright sun", for four voices
Mass in Five Parts
Monsieur's Alman
Motet: "Bow thine ear, O Lord" (a 5)
Motet: "Non vos Relinquam" (a 5)
Motet: Salvator Mundi (for organ)
My Lady Nevell's Ground (from My Lady Nevell's Book of Virginal Music)
Passamezzo antico
Pavan and Galliard in A minor
Pavan and Galliard in C minor
Pavan and Galliard Ph. Tregian
Pavan and Galliard Sir William Petre Rowland
Pavan and Galliard: "The Earl of Salisbury"
Pavan for two viols and the virginals
Pavana Lachrymae
Praeludium and Ground a 5
Preludium, MB 24
Psalm: "Laudibus in Sanctus"
Psalms, Sonnets and Songs (1588)
Quadran Pavan and Galliard
Qui passe: for My Lady Nevell (from My Lady Nevell's Book of Virginal Music)
Sellenger's Round
Song: "Boy, pity me", for four voices
Song: "Is love a boy?", for four voices
Song: "Lord to thee I make my moan"
Song: "Lullaby", for five voices
Song: "My little sweet darling"
Song: "O lord, how vain"
Song: "The carman's whistle"
The Battle Suite
The Bells (for harpsichord)
The carman's whistle (for keyboard)
The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book - excerpt(s) from
The Queenes Alman
Variations on Sellenger's Round
Variations on Walsingham
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