2021 anniversary dates associated with Music at the University of Edinburgh

Listed here are a number of anniversary years ending in 01, which are closely associated with the history of Music at the University of Edinburgh and the Reid Concerts. 
I have listed here 20 significant events, by no means a comprehensive list but I thought it was an interesting selection that was worthy of mention.  
From 1839 to 2012, ten men served as [Reid] Professors of Music and five of them feature in this anniversary list.

2021/22 is also the 300th anniversary of the birth of General John Reid.

2021 Anniversaries

  1.  180th First Annual College [Reid] Concert presented 12 February 1841
  2.  180th First Professor of Music John Thomson died 1841
  3.  180th Second Professor of Music Henry Rowley Bishop appointed 1841
  4.  130th Fifth Professor of Music Herbert Stanley Oakeley retired 1891
  5.  130th Sixth Professor & First Reid Professor of Music Frederick Maternus Niecks appointed 1891
  6.  130th Adolf Busch born 1891 (solo violinist with the Reid Orchestra and close friend of Donald Tovey, awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Music in 1934)
  7.  130th Arthur Bliss born 1891 (composer and conductor of the Reid Orchestra in 1945)
  8.  130th Ruth Waddell born 1891 (violoncellist, member of the Reid Orchestra and co-founder of the Waddell School of Music)
  9.  100th Reid Concerts held for the first time in the Usher Hall, Lothian Road (Season 5, 1921)
10.  100th Joan Dickson born 1921 (violoncellist, soloist and member of the Reid Orchestra)
11.  100th Dennis Brain born 1921 (French horn player and soloist with Reid Orchestra)
12.  100th Gervase Elwes died 1921 (tenor and soloist with the Reid Orchestra in 1917)
13.    90th John Petrie Dunn died 1931 (pianist, student and lecturer in the Faculty of Music)
14.    80th 50th Eighth Professor and Third Reid Professor of Music Sidney Newman appointed 1941
15.    80th Edward Harper born 1941 (composer, performer, conductor & member of the Faculty of Music)
16.    70th Peter Nelson born 1951 (composer, performer and professor in the Faculty of Music)
17.    60th Alasdair Nicolson born 1961 (composer and student, Faculty of Music)
18.    50th Michael Tilmouth born 1930, first Tovey Professor at the Faculty of Music appointed 1971
19.    50th Eighth Professor and Third Reid Professor of Music Sidney Newman died 1971
20.    20th Iannis Xenakis died 2001 (awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Music in 1989)

Reid Orchestra, 5th Season, first Reid concert in the Usher Hall, 5 February 1921
  first performance in Edinburgh of Prelude to ‘La Princesse Lointaine’ op. 4 by Tcherepnine

Reid Orchestra, 5th Season, 12 February 1921
  first performance in Edinburgh of extracts from ‘Bride of Dionysus’ an opera by Donald Tovey

Reid Orchestra, 5th Season, 5 March 1921
  first performance in Edinburgh of ‘Sappho’, songs for contralto with orchestra by Granville Bantock


Due to Covid-19 restrictions the Annual Reid Concert was not presented in 2021.


Further information about many of the individuals and works mentioned here can be found on the Reid Concerts Database.